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"Mom! Mom! Look Out!" 

That was me, 4 years ago, mom was driving us home, she took her eyes off the road for one minute and a truck ploughed into us, I lost my sight that day, I haven't been able to see for 4 years, doctors say I'm unhealable, but Doctor Singe stays hopeful, its getting annoying now, I know its good to have hope, but why? its clear I will never see again

"nice work today, Tomms," Doctor Singe said, snapping me out of my day dream, "remember to stay hopeful." she adds with a chuckle, "mommy, can we go to the cafeteria?" I ask sweetly, "I really want a piece of apple pie." mom laughs as we walk to the cafeteria. The hospital is like a second home to me, even the bad food.

The smell of apple pie, is overwhelming, "gahh!" a voice from behind me yells, the voice is unfamiliar. At first, I thought it was someone yelling at me, startled, I yelled, "you better not tell me to move."  The voice started laughing, "no, I just messed..." his voice trailed off, "I'm Tomma by the way," I said, holding out my hand, "Grayson," he says, "I'm over here." I feel someone walk in front of me, "sorry... I'm kinda..." I said, "blind," "blind eh, born or some freak accident?" he asks, "that' for me to know and you to find out. What did you mess?" "I kinda messed my chocolate cake on my lap." he laughs, "OK, then why're you here?" I ask, " My idiotic twin brother, Ethan cut his finger at home." "and you're here for moral support?" Grayson laughed, I admit, he's kind of funny. I must admit, I really wish I could see his face.


"hey!"  Grayson called through the phone, Grayson and I have been keeping in touch, since our meet at the hospital, turns out, his brother Ethan is Doctor Singe's other patient. Weird small world we live in, eh? "yeah, what's up, Gray?" I ask, its still quiet in the house, so its either very early in the morning or very late at night, "I can't sleep," He yawns, "well, I was fast asleep, so you better have a good excuse for waking me up, Mr..." shit, what's his surname? "Dolan," he answered, "Mr. Dolan" Grayson started laughing,

you need that laugh in your life.

Grayson's the first friend I've had had since the accident, I sort of pushed everyone else away. I was in a very bad state, and I don't think Shawn or Cameron will want to be my friends again. Cameron was 2 years older than me, she'd be 20 this years.

"So, what's your excuse?" I ask still awaiting his answer,  "Oh, umm. I just wanted to hear you laugh." he admits. I hold in my laugh, just to annoy him. "I'm not going to laugh Dolan." I say smiling, I think he heard me smile, because he giggled, not laugh. Giggled. "So, I was thinking, maybe I could pick you after your doctors appointment today, we could go somewhere... I don't know,"  He says. "Sure." I answer gladly.


The Doctors appointment was normal, apart from the fact Doctor Singe let me go early, she said it'd be better  for me to experience things when I'm blind, so I can see them in their true form when I get to see again. "thanks Doc!" Grayson said as we left her office. Ethan wasn't with us, originally he was coming, but then he got flu, so he couldn't come. So I couldn't meet the identical twin to Grayson.

Gag *makes puking noises*


"So where're we going?" I ask curiously as we enter the hospital park, I know this place like the back of my hand (Only cos I've been here so many times) so I almost immediately knew where we were. "here." he answered as we approached a tree, the smell of cherries overwhelmed me, we're by the weeping cherry tree mo used to bring Kyle and I to when we were smaller,  "the weeping cherry," I think out loud, "yea-" Grayson said, but I cut him off, not trying to be rude, "Mom used to bring Kyle and I here when dad got ill." I sighed, "oh, is your dad..." he asked, "lets just say he's in a better place." I say touching the small heart locket on my neck, "Is that a picture of him?" Grayson asks.

I nod yes, "can I see?" he asks, I take the locket of my neck, "wow, Tomma, he looks so much like you, I mean, Wow. my dads still sick." He says handing me back the locket. "sorry, Gray." Stupid, talking about my dad who's better off now while his dad is still suffering, "wh-what's he got?" I asked nervously, "c-cancer," he says as his voice cracks, I pull him into a hug and he sobs, "sorry, its just been really hard on all of us, my anxiety is worse than ever." he says into my shoulder, I head soothingly. "I'm so sorry, for you, your mom, dad and brother." I say, "and my sister, Cameron." he adds, "Cameron?" I ask, "is she 20?" "Yea.... why?" it must just be a coincidence. So I brushed it off, "No reason."


Tomma, admit it, you lurv Grayson

"No! I won't admit it." I say (too loud for my liking) while covering my ears, "Toms, what's wrong:" Kyle asks, "Nothing, Kyle. Just my dumb subconscious again," I mumbled the last bit under my breath, "OK." he laughs, Kyle used to push me around a lot, after I lost my sight,  he started acting nicer around me, he's turned out to be my closest friend, and now Grayson wants to be my friend.

Maybe a bit more than that, *wink wink*

I open my phone and ask Kyle to dial Grayson's number, "who's Grayson?" he asks, "he's my friend, my other  friend, my not-family friend." I say pulling my tongue, "I'm proud of you, Toms, you're making friends again." Kyle said as he dialled the number, he hands me the phone and I put it to my ear, "Hey Tomma-to" Grayson said, I seriously HATE the name Tomma-to "Hi Bailey, listen I was wandering if you wanted to come over later and take me out to get ice-cream at the pier." I say, "Yea, sure, what's the occasion?" he asks nervously, "Nothing, I just really want ice-cream." I say, "K, will pick you up at about 5." he says, "Can I bring a few people with?"  He asks, I say yes and he hangs up.

You really like that boy, and you don't even looks like.


When Grayson arrived, Kyle opened the door, I was a little scared, my big brother meeting my only real friend since the accident. "hey, Gray." I say when he enters the living room, hugging me. I hug him back, he's really tall, I'm only 5''11 and he's about 6''10 maybe 11. "can we go already?" I hear a familiar voice call from the door. 



Words: 1188.

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