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***Grayson's POV***

Tomma’s monitor started beeping madly, “Nurse!” I yell. I haven’t left Tomma’s side since the surgery. Her monitor has done this like 3 times now and the doc says it isn’t a good sign, my Tomma is strong, she’ll make it through this, and when she wakes up we can leave for Hawaii.

“Please move out the way, sir.” The doctor commands me when he arrives into Tomma’s room, “is she going to be alright?” I ask concerned, Tomma is my life, she's my life, and if it wasn’t for Ethan, I would’ve run away with her already. “yes. She's just dreaming.” The doctor says firmly, “she’ll wake up soon,” he says brightly, “please, be quiet around her.” I nod, I grab Tomma’s hand and kiss it lightly, “I need you to be OK.” I say softly, kissing her hand again.

She looks so lifeless, I need fresh air, I get up and see Kyle in the hall, “you can go sit with her for a bit,” I sigh, he nods his head slowly and walks into her room.

I head out the door to the hospital park, I stare at the cherry tree I took her to on our first ‘outing,’ when I fell for her, when she opened up to me even though she didn’t know who I was, for all she knew I could’ve a fat liar. I wasn’t, though, she saw through me, the real me, not the jerk most people see me as.

I sit on the ground at the tree, the surroundings remind me of her, the pink of the blossom reminds me of her pink room, the smell reminds me of the way her lips taste and the soft grass feels like her warm arms.

Just before I zone out, Kyle walks up to the tree, “she's awake,” he pants out of breath, I stand up fast and run over to her room.

***Tomma’s POV***

I wake up in a hospital bed with a tube attached to my arm. I can see!

I knew it was a dream, Tomma. Grayson is real.


I look around and see mom look at me with bright eyes, “Tomma!” she whispers, “your awake!” she says wrapping her arms around me.

I might’ve been an emotional mess in that hell. But that is different here, I feel happy, I don’t want to cry, I want to leave this bed and look for my boyfriend.

I sit up, “whoa” the Doctor Singe says, she was right, I shouldn’t’ve given up hope. “slow your roll, it's only been a couple of days,” she smiles, “Doctor Towers will be happy to see you seeing again.”

“Mommy,” I say softly, “where’s Gray?” I say, “Gray?” she says. The panic in me starts rising, “Mom! Stop teasing the poor child.” Kyle says entering the room, “he just went to get something to eat quick,” he says.

My brothers lip ring on the side of his smiling mouth looks like it was going to fall off, “good to see you with colour.” he says laughing.

Mom and Kyle leave the room. Not long after a tall boy with dark hair and hazel eyes stands in the door way, “sorry,” he says with a smirk, “wrong room,” I stare at him, he turns around ready to leave, is that an angel or am I experiencing serious Déjà vu?

“Grayson?” I ask, the boy turns around slowly, “hey Tomma,” he smiles, his cheekbones change shape, they look more defined, like they could cut diamonds. Grayson walks up to me and kisses me softly. “you don’t know how long I've waited for you to see me.” He says softly pecking me on the lips, I grab his hair and deepen the kiss. Grayson looks at me surprized, “I miss this.” I say.

The doctor tells me I'm allowed to go as soon as moms filled out the paper work. “and when she does,” the doctor says lightly, “your boyfriend over there is taking you to Hawaii.” He winks.

I look at Grayson who smiles, he looks so tired, his eyes have small dark rings round them. I motion for him to come over, slowly he walks over, “what day is it?” I whisper in his ear, Gray looks at me and smiles, “it's Wednesday, 8am.”

I just about jump out of the bed, “we still have 2 hours!” I yell, Grayson starts laughing hysterically, “I moved the date of the trip. We’re going tomorrow, we are going to spend 7 whole days in Hawaii.” He says doing Jazz Hands.

Mom walks into the room and smiles, “you're free to go, prisoner 43” she laughs

Sorry for the shorty y’all. I really want to get to part 12 (maybe 13)😉 some stuffs ‘bout to go down!! Hawaii, your hotel’s going to get messy 😉daddy’s comin’. (also don’t hate on me cos Jake Paul ‘ill be in the next episode too.)

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