Chapter 6 🔥A Forgotten Past

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The image up is the closest I could find for the necklace.

This chapter is dedicated to fel-it. I'm doing my best to express my thanks and gratitude for all of you who never stopped supporting this Trilogy. Enjoy reading.

Sorry for late upload. This was supposed to be your Friday chappie.


Phoenician Realm. . .

Right after the appearance of the Angelicums, the Academy was emptied of its occupants. Lord Ronheild sent all the students back to their own families and realms. He believed that all must meet their end together with their loved ones. However, the rest of the masters, mistresses and elite knights insisted on staying with their King and Queen.

A couple hours more of watching and anticipating, the headmaster had enough. After barking orders to notify him at once if there was a change or any slight movement from the floating Angelicum army, Lord Ronheild gathered all the masters and mistresses at the meeting chamber.

"Headmaster! Pardon my intrusion, I request an audience for an urgent matter." A voice called out from outside the door.

"Come in," he bellowed.

A red winged Elite came rushing in with a small parcel in his hands.

"Speak," Lord Ronheild ordered right after the door closed behind him.

"Forgive me for leaving my post but this was given to me by an Angelicum to be delivered to the Phoenician Queen."

The Elite's announcement earned surprised gasps and nervous gulps. He bowed, his hands extended offering the parcel towards Sylvie's direction.

"At ease," Ronneild commanded, his face masked with stoic expression.

After a nod from the King, the Elite Knight slowly walked towards the Queen handing the parcel.

"Thank you. You may take your leave," Sylvie spoke softly.

"I will return to my post at once." The Elite Knight bowed once again and dispersed in a gust of red flame.

"What do you think this is?" Sylvie asked everyone but her eyes were solely fixed to her husband.

Ronheild didn't say a thing. He nodded at her once and Sylvie pried the parcel's delicate satin cloth covering open. Her hands we're shaking, expecting the worse. Nobody could blame her. What would someone expect from a race that wanted to wipe your whole clan into extinction?

Her eyes grew wide, taking out a necklace in a white chain with a round cosmic pendant. It's luminous and a galaxy-like dusts was swirling around inside, like it has a life of its own.

"W-what is this?" Sylvie muttered in confusion as she stared open mouthed to it.

The necklace glowed bright and floated into the center of the chamber and released a replica of universe's horizon swirling around the whole place. It was beyond description. The aura that grazed their skins left tingling sensations. It was magical and yet, they could feel unsurpassed power laced into it.

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