Chapter 12 🔥 A Fabricated Lie

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Hello everyone. Happy New Year to all.

I dedicate this chapter to i_lurvv_u_mamarama. Hey dear! Just dropping by a special shout out for you. Thank you for everything.


Phoenician Realm - Present Time

"Sylvie?" Vulca shook the Phoenician Queen by the shoulders but there was no response. She waved a hand in front of her face but Sylvie's gaze just like the rest of her chosen group. They were unresponsive. Hopping from one to another she tried but failed.

"Enough, Vulca," Xerxis guided her away from the circle. Both of them walked away with slumped shoulders in defeat.

"What's happening, Pearl?" At last Master Ronheild found his voice after the initial shock of knowing that his wife was a vessel. He couldn't imagine the burden that Sylvie carried through the years. Now, everything started to dawn upon him. Especially, the reasons why his wife did what she did.

"They were being showed their purpose of existence. In order to make a vital decision." Pearl spoke in a hushed tone with a faraway look in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Ronheild prodded more.

"All I can say is that we pray that Venuscha could make it back here in time. Before, their truths are all revealed. Before, they are forced to make a decision. Before— " Pearl paused and looked at Ronheild's direction with a sad face.

"Before what?" The Phoenician King demanded in a single breath. His tone was hard on the outside but deep inside him he was almost dying from anticipation. Somehow, he felt it. The dread that sent shivers down his spine.

"— before, they won't have any other choice but to sacrifice their lives."

The words uttered were like a silent predator that crept in the hearts of those who heard it. So powerful and conclusive that they were all left speechless as they all turned their gazes towards the circle with only one question left in their minds.

Will Venus be able to save them this time?

After half an hour of watching, a new set of circular spots appeared inside the inner circle. The rays left King Veron and Prince Rufus as it started to move in another crazed rhythm then it stopped with two beings once again.

This time, King Veron and Princess Amelia.

The same moment it shoned to the new pair, Prince Rufus moved towards the inner circle in a zombie-like daze. Soulless, just like an empty cadaver.

"It has began. Prince Rufus has succumbed to his fate. Nine more to go." Pearl spoke with bitterness laced on her tone.

"N-no." King Ludvind ran towards his son together with Animone. They arrived just minutes after the chosen beings formed the circle.

"Ruffy? Come back please. You cannot do this." Animone was hugging and tugging her twin brother but to no avail. Ludvind tried to pull his son away from the spot unsuccessfully. The Demon Prince was unyielding and stuck to where he stand with a very powerful force that cannot be swayed or changed no matter what they do.

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