Chapter 16 🔥Deception

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This chapter is dedicated to klingkeigh .

Phoenician Realm-Present Time

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Phoenician Realm-Present Time

Every head inside the meeting chamber snapped towards their direction the moment Venus and Marcus appeared. The hopeful gazes thrown their way made Venus very uncomfortable and somewhat guilty. The heavy burden was weighing down on her shoulder the size of the heavens above that it terrified her the more she thought about it. It wasn't about the responsibility though—it was her fear of failure and not be good enough even after she gave her best into it.

"Stop fidgeting," Marcus whispered in her ear.

He held her hand and gave it a light squeeze of reassurance. She looked at him with a small smile of gratitude before she diverted her eyes towards the center where a disco ball floated on top of two groups of people forming two circles—the one smaller had Rufus, Amelia, Daphne and Scalia. She wasn't certain about the disco ball but it looked like it to her only it gave a cosmos-like illumination rather than colorful neon colors. It was magical but she didn't have the liberty to dwell on it as she scrutinized the immobile people beneath it. They were the people closest to her and she would be damned it she wouldn't do everything in her power to help them. Well, except for the two Sorcerers of course.

The big question was—how?

"So this is the circle," she nudged Marcus who was not as surprised as she was. He had seen it earlier, he rather looked worried more than anything else.

"Venuscha..." Pearl's voice sounded from behind them.

They both turned to face the Angelicum, "what's gonna happen to them?" Venus asked pointing to the group.

Pearl looked down avoiding eye contact, "have you found the perfect vessel?" she asked instead.

"Yes," Vee answered with her brows furrowed. She had a bad feeling about everything and Pearl's avoidance only fueled to her growing anxiety.

Pearls sighed in relief.

"Now, answer my question," Vee demanded without giving Pearl the chance to ask another question. She didn't like the fact that her inquiry was dismissed with a cold shoulder. Marcus must have felt the same since he stayed silent and waited.

"They can be saved as long as we have the perfect vessel." Pearl explained. She gave both of them an expectant look. "So? Where's the perfect vessel? It would be best if we don't waste any more time." She demanded when she got no answer.

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