chapter one

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After twelve hours of driving, two pit stops and three pizzas we were finally here, Torrington Academy. Everything about the place just screamed prestigious. From its old Elizabethan period structure down to the posh students who were walking in and out of the building, all of whom were dressed in the neatly made and completely fashionable uniform.

  I sighed a little, before looking back to my cousin who was still sleeping, I smiled, this girl could sleep through a hurricane if she wanted. I began to shake her lightly,

" Wake up sleepy head" I whispered.

"Go away" she groaned, "its not even morning yet", she said.

"Okay" I replied with an exaggerated sigh, "I guess you don't wanna see our new school then".

   Her eyes shot open eagerly as she looked out the window with utter excitement after looking around her a few seconds, she turned back to me with a little frown.

  "It looked like Buckingham Palace threw up on this place" Rhori said

  "Don't judge a book by its cover, now come on we need to go get our uniforms and school stuff " I said opening the door.

   Rhori grumbled a bit but she got out of the car and followed me briskly. We walked in comfortable silence for a while before coming to what seemed like the administration's office. I walked up to the front desk and smiled at the middle aged woman sitting at the desk.

  " Goodnight Miss, We're Khori and Rhori Reeves" I said gesturing to myself and a clearly uninterested Rhori.

"Oh, you're the new students" she said, " We were expecting you a little early ".

  "I'm sorry about that, the drive took longer than we thought it would" I replied.

"No problem" she said with a smile "Let me just go get your uniforms and schedules and then you two can go get settled in".

  And with that she went off into an office behind her.

"Khoriiiiiiii" moaned Rhori, " Can I go look around, standing here is soooooo boring".

I shook my head, it was amazing how much this eighteen year old still behaved like a five year old.

"Fine" I said, " But make sure you're back in 5 minutes".

  "Thanks Khori!", she exclaimed and left running down the hall.

  I knew I was gonna regret it, if you gave her an inch she would take a mile and undoubtedly end up choking you with it. I looked for a seat while waiting for the woman to return, at some point I had gotten so bored that I had taken out my iPhone and began playing Super Mario Go Karts.

"Nice wheels" said an unknown voice.

   I turned around to find myself face to face with the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. He had a dazzling smile that would probably be bright enough to blind a Martian two worlds over, his hair was jet black and messy but it looked like it had a mind of its own because no matter how many times he ran his hand through it and stayed wild and free and his eyes were gray and sparkling though looking closer there seemed to be sadness behind them. I had one word to sum this guy up and it was HOT.

" Earth to Princess Peach" he said laughing.

"Huh?", I muttered, " Wait, what did you just call me?".

  "I said Princess Peach, that's the name of your driver right? " he asked, pointing towards my phone.

"Oh, yea" I replied laughing stupidly.

  "I'm Gale Hunter " he said extending his hand.

  "Khori Reeves" I replied shaking his hand.

"Miss Reeves" called the old woman who's name I learned to be Mrs. Clarke.

" Yes " I answered.

" Your packages are ready" she said handing me two brown boxes

" Inside you'll find your schedules' uniforms and textbooks".

"Thank you Miss" I replied with a smile.

As I tried walking away with both boxes, I lost my balance and just when my face was gonna become very acquainted with the floor I felt a pair on strong arms wrapped around my waist preventing the fall.

"Easy there princess"' Gale said "you have to be more careful, let me help you with that".

  And before I could even object he had both boxes in his arms and proceeded to walk. I smiled and was about to walk along side him when Mrs.Clarke called me back.

"It seems that you're needed in the headmistress' office " she said.

I made a face I had only been here an hour and I was pretty sure I had broken away rules.

"Don't worry", she said chuckling at my facial expression, "You aren't in trouble but it seems that the girl that was with you is".

I groaned leave it to Rhori to get in trouble on the first day of school. Gale seeing my expression asked what was wrong, I explained by say I wasn't sure but my cousin was in trouble. He laughed

" Don't worry about it, my brother always gets in trouble but the headmistress is cool so he never gets booted out" he said.

I smiled at Gale's comment, sure he was trying to make me feel better but with my cousin's luck her first day at Torrington Academy might just be her last.

Short I know, but I think I'm kinda improving as it relates to story length anyway as always share your views and comments with me please!

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