Torrington Academy

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Picture of Khori


The wind blew through the trees slightly ruffling my long black hair. I sighed, how long does it take one girl to buy a pizza I thought angrily. My green eyes began to focus on the door of the Mario's Pizza again.

Damn it, I said as I began to reach for my phone.

"Hey!", someone shouted.

I turned around and was face to face with my cousin, Khori,the one who had left me not an hour ago with the intention of letting me starve.

"Well well well, look who finally decided to show up, if you had waited a few more minutes maybe you would have had the grand opportunity of watching me eat my arm" I said angrily.

"Calm down" she replied as we got into the car, "I brought food didn't I?" she said gesturing to a large bag with the name Mario printed on it.

I smelled the scent of melted cheese on pineapple and chicken, I pounced. I grabbed the bag and began consuming a slice in under record time. Khori gave me a look of pure amusement as she continued to drive.

"Oh, shut your pie hole" I said, " because if you haven't notice you've put us a hour behind schedule, now we won't make it to the school before it gets dark."

Khori didn't reply, it was so weird how she could just turn off reality when she wanted and zone out. I sighed. Going to this new school was gonna be the fresh start we needed. I mean didn't a wise guy once say that your life really began in college? After everything that happened in our lives Torrington Academy was gonna change us for the better. I mean it even said so in the school's motto,

TorringtonAcademy, whereabrightfutureawaitsyou.

I have to admit that I nearly keeled over laughing when Khori said she applied for scholarships for the both of us, I mean the school just screamed SNOB'S VILLE. But in the end we both got accepted on sports scholarships, Khori for her mad archery skills and me for my amazing swimming, at my previous school my old coach nicknamed me Great White because as she said I was a killer in the water.

I yawned a little, after all a 10 hour car drive and eating half a pizza could really tire a girl out. I adjusted my Angry Birds snapback a little to let it cover my eyes slightly as I drifted off into dreamland. I took one last glance at Khori driving, this was it, we were finally gonna get the new start we deserved and I wasn't gonna let anyone ruin it for us.

Heyeveryone! I'mafirsttimewriterbutalongtimereaderofwattpadandIwouldreallyappreciateyourviewsandcommentsonwhatIcandotoimproveonmystoriesanywaythanksfor reading andifIgetenoughcommentsanupdatewillbecomingupsoon :-)

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