Chapter seven

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    It had been half an hour since Khori had left to go on her date and I was left here to entertain myself. sigh. You know what I could have fun without Khori I decided. I was gonna take a shower and watch my favorite comedy, Titanic. Trust me, if people had a mind like mine they would see the humor.

   After taking the shower I stepped out of the tub dripping water everywhere. I sighed, another mess to clean up.  Might as well dry my hair I thought. I plugged in the blow dryer and put it to work after three minutes my hair was dried but frizzy, looking in the mirror I laughed. I looked pretty badass with the blow dryer, kinda like a secret agent.

   "The name's Reeves, Rhori Reeves" I said in my best James Bond accent "I take it frizzy not straight"

    Damn do I have a sense of humor or what?

  I was snapped out of my moment of self praise by the sound of my ringtone, turn my swag on. I hastily began to make my way out of the bathroom when it happened. BAM!

   I slipped in the same puddle of water I created. I tried to get up but a wave of pain ran through my spine.

"Ow!" I yelled.

     Someone was gonna come and help me. I think. Don't panic I thought, situations like this only get worse when you panicked. Okay Rhori think, what can you do to get out of this, calling someone was not an option because I didn't have my phone. stupid phone. Khori wont be back for a couple hours so that was a no too. Maybe Turbo Barbie would come back soon, I laughed darkly, yea right like she would help me.

Okay I only had one idea, it was a little farfetched but it just might work, it was my only hope. I took a deep breath

"LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS THERE! " I screamed at the top of my lungs, "WITH A PARAMEDIC!" I added quickly.

      Twenty seconds passed and nothing happened, well that's it I'm out of ideas. I was gonna die here, how long will it take before the hunger drives me mad? How long will it take before the vultures came to pick my bones clean? Wait, how long have I been in here? I shifted my weight a little so that I would be able to see the over-head clock. sigh. Its only been five minutes, why won't death come and put me out of my misery?

"Rhori" someone called from the other end of the door.

I'm saved I thought happily

"I'm in here" I yelled.

"Its Cole" he said.

I groaned, why him? I asked myself.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry about what happened today and thank you for sticking up for me" he said while opening the bathroom door.

Realization suddenly hit me, I was butt naked!

"Stop!" I yelled, "You can't come in here"

He stopped opening the door.

"Why?" he asked his voice full of concern.

"Ummm, I don't have on any clothes" I said in a rush.

There was a long silence. He laughed.

"Exactly how naked are you?"

My face burned.

"None of your damn business" I said, "You need to call an ambulance"

"What? Why do you need an ambulance?" he asked the concern had returned in his voice.

"I slipped and I can't get up"

"I'm coming to pick you up" he said

"Hell no!" I yelled. "I'll wait until the trained paramedics get here"

I could actually feel his smirk when he spoke,

"So you don't mind having three or four strange men coming in there and seeing you naked? "

Crap. I couldn't think of any other way to get around that. I bit my lip before I said

"Okay you can come but have to promise to keep your eyes closed."

"Scout's honor " he said.

    He came in with both eyes tightly shut as promised and made his way to me by following the sound of my voice. He stooped down to my level putting one hand underneath my back and the other just above the back of my knee, his warm hands sent chills throughout my body and my face began to burn, again. Thank god he couldn't see me. He walked back into my room bumping into furniture before finally putting me on the bed.

   "I'm gonna get you some clothes" he said as he began rummaging through my dresser with his eyes still closed.

  "How are you gonna find any with your eyes shu-"

He cut me off.

"Underwear" he said throwing it in me direction.

I quickly tried putting it on which was quite hard considering that I couldn't sit up.

"Shorts" he said, again throwing the article of clothing in my direction.

"Top" he finished.

   I finally got dressed after much difficulty.

"Can I open my eyes now?" he asked

"Yes" I replied.

   I have to admit I looked like a child's coloring book but it was still better than being naked. Cole moved over and sat next to me

  "Are you okay?" he asked

I nodded.

"Good" he replied.

There was a long silence.

"You know I could help you with that" he said, "My uncle's a physiotherapist and he taught me a couple tricks"

"I rather wait for the trained paramedics" I said

   "Come on, it's easy all I have to is find your pressure point and press it a little, you can trust me Rhori, I won't hurt you" he said looking at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Fine" I said grumbling "But if you screw up, I'm gonna kick your ass"

"Deal" he replied his voice full of joy.

   He turned me over on my back and began feeling for the pressure point through my top.

"Found it!" He yelled, "Now this is gonna hurt a little bit so I want you to count to five and then I'll press"

I nodded.

"One, two, thre-. Ow!" I yelled

"There! Feels better doesn't it?" he said triumphantly

He was right, it did feel a lot better. I sat up and beamed at him.

"The pain's gone" I said smiling

"Awesome cupcake, now move your feet a little" he said

"This is so amazing, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to be at swim practice tomorrow"

"Rhori I said move your feet"

I laughed.

"I am moving my feet"

Cole's face suddenly got pale.

"Can you feel this?" he asked pinching my toe.

My blood stopped cold.

"No" I said in a shaking voice.

Now that he mentioned it I couldn't feel my legs either.


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