Chapter Twelve

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It's been two weeks since the whole Trapped in the closet incident with Cole and he had been true to his word. I've seen him around school but not once had he spoken to me or given me direct eye contact.

Looks like I was getting the leper's treatment fully blown. It didn't bother me or anything, after all I did have stuff to think about. The second bell had rang signalling the end of biology and the beginning of Literature.

The past few classes with Mr.Salvatore had been fun. We took notes and discussed the book for the first half of the class(not the fun part) and for the second half we did what Mr.Salvatore called Peer Educating which seemed to be code for 'do whatever you want but try not to set fire to anything'(the fun part).

It was during these times that Khori and I had our one-on-one moments. Apparently she and Gale weren't talking to each other, she wouldn't say why but I knew she would tell me sooner or later because we never kept secrets from each other.

As I entered the class I quickly made made my way over to the vacant seat beside Khori. Shortly after Cole and Gale entered, walking past Khori and me and finding a sit near to the back of the class. After everyone had settled down we waited for Mr.Salvatore to arrive. After the first half hour past students began to leave.

I packed my bag and was about to make my way to the door when Mrs. Dales walked in. She cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Students, Mr. Salvatore will not be able come to class today and he sends his apologies,but he did send me here with a copy of a assignment he wants to be completed and emailed to him by tomorrow morning" she said.

Okay, sounds easy enough.

"And" she continued "he also wants you to do this assignment within your assigned partner".

I spoke too soon.

I stole a quick glance behind me to see Cole's reaction. It was kind of disappointing, there was no look of shock, anger or happiness. He was just staring blankly out a window.

Khori and the other hand was a completely different case, she was trying and failing to contain her anger.

"Stupid assignment, stupid Gale, stupid Mr.Salvatore" she grumbled under her breath along with some unintelligent phrases that I couldn't make out.

"Hey Khori"

We turned around to see a very flustered Gale.

"Hey Gale" Khori said in a voice somewhat louder that a whisper.

Gale stood there for a while taking deep breaths and running his hand through his hair, I guess he was trying to stay calm.

"I was just wondering" *rubs hair* "that if you weren't doing anything tonight" *rubs hair* "that maybe we could work on the assignment" he blurted out. *Deep breath*

"Sure" Khori mumbled as she packed her stuff "I'll see you tonight".

"Great" Gale answered beaming like Christmas had come early this year. "I'll walk you out" he said helping Khori with her books.

Not so reluctantly Khori handed him her books and even though it was so small and practically unnoticeable, Khori smiled, it was a genuine smile. She must have been glad that the era of silence had ended and that whatever had happened between Gale and herself had been forgotten and maybe even forgiven.

Or maybe I was just over-thinking it and the smile was just a muscle spasm, that seemed more likely. I looked at Cole once again. sigh. Someone had to be the bigger person and unfortunately it looked like it was going to be me. I walked over to him and stood in front of his desk. He was still looking out the window oblivious to reality.


He turned around his eyes still sad and his Adam Levine beard slowly edging towards that of Santa's.

"We're going to do our assignment tonight, I'm not sure what time or where but when I tell you, you better be there no questions or objections"

"Wow" he smirked, "Would like to immaculate me any further or will that be all?"

"Actually, now that you mentioned it, get a hair cut and shave your beard you look like a runaway hippie"

"Aye aye captain" he replied giving me an over the top salute.

I shook my head, tonight's going to be a long night.


Well that worked out better than I thought it would. Instead of giving me a ball shriveling look of contempt she actually agreed. This was just the opportunity that I needed to impress her, to show her how much I cared about her.

Now I just need to find a good place for a first date, I mean we kinda already had a first date but that shot start to hell after I ate some bad shrimp and broke out into hives and it didn't help when she got the call about Rhori being in the hospital and had to leave. But I'm going to make this date this best ever or die trying!

"God, are you in pain right now?" Cole asked as he entered the room.

"No idiot"

"I mean I was kinda worried, the look on your face was gruesome.... If I didn't know better I would say it looked like you were thinking."

"Hahaha, funny coming from someone who wasn't potty trained until he was nine"

"Can't believe you just went there"

I laughed and turned back to the laptop.

"Good places to take a girl on a date?" Cole asked in a tone of disbelief as read my search results, "I thought you had at least some originality, I mean if you wanted help finding a place I would be happy to help" he finished with a smile.

I shut down the laptop and turned to face him.

"Hell no. My idea of a date doesn't involve being in a cheap motel room surrounded by bottles of tequila and women I don't know."

"Firstly for a one thousand dollars a night I wouldn't call the Amangiri a cheap motel, secondly it was vodka and lastly I knew two out of five of those girls so shut the hell up and give me a piece of paper."

I shook my head but complied. He looked at me before writing on the paper.

"Take her here" he said as he handed me the piece of paper. "I promise you will get laid by the end of the night"

"Getting laid isn't what I'm after"

"Sure" he replied laughing, "I mean what guy wants to get laid on a date?"he asked in an its-so-obvious voice.

"We'll I don't" I murmured.

"Yea keep telling yourself that. Anyway I'm gonna go get a hair cut Rhori doesn't appreciate the whole mountain man thing I have going on."

"Yea you go do that" I replied absent mindedly.

After Cole left I looked at the name he had written on the paper again, maybe this could work after all.

Sorry about taking so long to update.... Was suffering from writers block...


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