Beautiful, Bipolar, Bella. *3*

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Bella was over thinking everything as per usual; she did not want to leave the house and wished that she had never made that promise to her dear brother, Damen. Her stomach was aching from her retching when her stomach was empty and all that she was spewing was stomach acid, her throat was burning but she had gotten used to it after years of feeling this way. 

Bella began to recall the times that she was happy, before the age of seven, before the... incident happened. She began to recall the memories she shared with her angelic best friend; Holly. She quickly shook the thought away, not wanting to remember because if she remembered she would long for that happiness, that happiness that she thought was no longer possible but still the memories danced through her brain, tears threatening her eyes, making her blue eyes shimmer.  She tried so hard to push it to the back of her mind, her face portrayed her determination, the pain also showed, she was never good at controlling her feelings, her arms proved that. Her feelings made her feel so weak, she thought if she could control them that her farther would accept her, but she was far from correct. All she wanted was her father’s acceptance but she soon realised that there was no chance of that happening. 

She sighed and got out of bed, she couldn't stand being alone right now because being alone meant more time to think. She slowly opened her door and crept to the living room, she walked in “Dame-“ she began but stopped when she saw a boy around the age of seventeen sat on the sofa next to her brother. This boy had light brown hair which could in some lights mistaken for ash-blond, it was messy in a way that looked somewhat sexy, or so Bella thought, his pale blue eyes met hers and she fell silent.

“S-sorry.” She stuttered and turned for the door to be stopped by a soft voice,

“Bella?” the soft, angelic voice asked curiously, and she hesitated in the doorway before turning around to meet his gaze. Bella was confused, her brother never had friends round, she began to wonder if Damen even had friends.


“Don’t you remember me?” the stranger asked gently, she just shook her head with an apologetic, confused look. 

His eyes flashed an emotion that looked like hurt but it had left his eyes as quick as it had come so Bella thought nothing of it and just shrugged him off, the young boy was silent so Bella chose to leave but the boy caught her arm, making her wince. She quickly pulled her arm out of his grip, not wanting him to see her scars. The boys eyes searched her face, confused and concerned, he placed his hands on either side of hers, Bella was too shocked to react, she wasn’t used to being touched, especially this abruptly by a stranger.

She looked up at his eyes recognising them; memories came back to her in a sudden rush. Bella knew this boy long ago, he was her first and only crush, she recalled being chased by him on the beach as a child, the wind blowing gently in her hair, suddenly she tripped but his arm gripped tightly around her and turned her around only to fall on top of her, brushing their lips gently together as they laughed, she remembered his scent filling her lungs and watching him in fascination as he helped her up.

“M-Matt?” she whispered as his eyes filled with hope and the corner of his lips curled into a crooked smile, revealing his small dimples which Bella found adorable. Bella’s arms suddenly wrapped around Matt’s neck, embracing him in a tight hug, surprising herself with her actions.  His scent was still the same, smelling of lavender and blossom, Bella smiled as she breathed in.

“I’ve missed you, my princess.” Matt whispered in Bella’s ear, she just pulled him further in; they stood happily like that for over five minutes.

“Bloody hell!” Bella let go and turned to see her Damen stood there in utter shock; she gave him a small smile,

“What?” Matt asked behind her,

“Nothing, it’s just Bella hasn’t seen anyone other than me and the help in years but as soon as she sees you she’s instantly warmed up to you.” Damen grins with sudden hope of Bella finally beginning to recover from the cold shell she’s made home in for all these years.

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