Beautiful, Bipolar, Bella. *8*

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Bella softly placed the palm of her hands onto Matt's chest and pushed him away slightly, gasping for air. Her eyes trailed up to Matt's, she smiled lightly then pecked his lips once more. Matt was grinning up at her.

“Woah..” Matt whispered,

he pulled a hand up and used his index finger to trace the outline of Bella's lips. Bella's lips trembled lightly and she let out a low whimper escape her lips. Realising the noise came from her own lips her face instantly reddened.

“Don't be embarrassed, you're cute.” he whispered in her ear, making her smile and bow her head in embarrassment.

She wasn't used to compliments, well sure; Damen complimented her but that wasn't the same. Brother's gave compliments to sisters in their hour of need because they had to. Matt didn't have to compliment Bella but because he wanted to it seemed special to Bella. She gently bit down on her lip and looked up at Matt and kissed him once more, savouring the taste.


Matt and Bella were cuddling on the sofa when the phone rang, Bella stood up and picked it up intently, without second thought.

“Yah?” She answered.

“Bella!” her brother's voice echoed,

“Damen, what's up?”

“I'm sorry to do this but is it okay if Matt looks after you for another month?” Bella's face scrunched up, 'look after' her, like she was five years old.

“I'm not a child.”

“That's not what I meant, and you know it.”

Bella threw the phone and Matt caught it, sending a questioning look in Bella's direction, she only shrugged in response and Matt pulled the phone to his ear.

“Yeah,” he listened for a reply “No, it's fine dude, seriously.” “Okay, bye.” and with that Matt hung up, grabbing Bella's hand and pulled her into him. “You're stuck with me for another month.” he whispered and planted a kiss onto Bella's cheek.

She just smiled and sunk into him. Feeling the closest to happy that Bella had ever felt.


“Bella wake up.”

“Huh?” Bella rubbed her eyes, startled. Something was placed on her lap, she looked down to find a salad in a bowl.

“I thought that since you didn't eat much a salad would be appropriate.” Matt said softly, Bella only smiled up in appreciation.

She took a hesitant mouthful and forced herself to swallow. 'You can always throw up later.' she thought to herself, automatically feeling better, Matt watched her carefully, making sure she ate it all. When Bella finished he took the bowl off her.

Bella stood up and turned to the door but Matt grabbed her arm, “And where do you think you're doing?” he lifted an eyebrow.

“Erm, bathroom?” Bella fidgeted uncomfortably, avoiding Matt's gaze, he shook his head firmly and pulled her along with him.

He placed the plate onto the counter and turned the CD player on, skipping to a song which happened to be Megan Nicole and Dave Days' cover of 'Payphone'. Matt offered his hand to Bella.

“I can't dance.” She complained.

“I'll teach you.” he took her small dainty hand in his large one and pulled her close, dancing slowly from side to side, smiling down at her.

“If happy ever after did exist,” he sang along quietly and took Bella's chin in one hand and guided it up so that her eyes met his,

“I would still be holding you like this.” Bella finished off the line and stood on her tip-toes, tightening her grip around Matt's neck, his arms tightened around Bella's hips and he reunited there lips once again.


Lovey-dovey;) Well, I'd sure kiss Matt, he's hot as fack! Thank you for reading! New cover or old cover? I want to start dedicating chapters so please vote or comment so I can do so<3 

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