chapter 22

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"Glad you liked it. There is a place where we can buy ice-cream as you wanted to and then there's a place where we can play and win a teddy bear you wanna check it out??" say yes, please say yes

"yeah, why not" oh thank god. Ok I'll let her play and I will take something from the table and put it in her pocket. So she will be a thief for 20 min or 30. I hope Zayn is working with the plan too. And I hope that cops will play our game. Ok here we go.

"Hello sir, we would like two ice –creams please." I say to the man that is selling them.

"Yeah sure what taste would you prefer?? "he asks and I look to Kendall so she can give a response for hers

"Vanilla please" she says and smiles

"make it two" I add and we grab our ice-creams  "why vanilla?" i ask her breaking the silence "I mean vanilla it's like no taste at all just vanilla and sugar" she smiles and then glares at me

"I just love it , I mean it is simple and I like simple" she smiles and then takes a deep breath and starts talking again "you know everything in our life is simple we are the ones that complicate it, life may have ups and downs but every bad thing it's followed by a good thing, isn't it ??"

she asks, I nod my head even though I know this was a rhetorical question, i just remain silence with my hands shaking from her words and my heart beating so damn fast and let her talk

"you know life doesn't have to be so complicated, we just need to open up and tell everything as we feel but there is this other thing that you should trust that someone you're opening to but these days you can't trust yourself let other people"

I am speechless, I don't really know what to say she is just so so ... "sorry , i deviated a lot, so we were talking about ice cream, yeah vanilla my favorite"  she interrupts my thoughts, wait a sec she was talking all this shit with me it's like she was opening to me, does she trusts me ????

"ok, do you have the list I gave you with yourself??" I ask her we seriously need to have some fun before my plan.

"Yeah I always take it with myself" she pulls out of her pocket a paper and unfolds it and then she reads out loud

"Ways to start feeling again
1. Sit in the sun without anything to do, feel the heat of the rays hit your skin, realize that this sunlight has traveled a very long way to reach you (CHECKED)
2. Walk around barefoot and try to feel as much of the ground under your feet as you can, notice every rock and blade of grass (CHECKED)
3. Sit quietly for a while and notice the touch of breath in your nostrils, feel how the air gets cooler as you inhale and warmer as you exhale (CHECKED)
4. Drive around aimlessly and blast some of your favorite songs, scream/sing along to them and feel the vibrations of your favorite lyrics as they change the air in your throat and around you, feel that the music is healing you from the inside out  (ON OUR WAY UP)
5. Stay away from alcohol or drugs for a few days, try to be as aware and present as you can in every moment, stop trying to numb or dull your senses, okay can we check this out because it's like three days in here and I haven't drink a thing " she says and looks up for my response

"Of course we can't do that we have to test ourselves we will go to some parties and not drink a single thing. Then we can check it" I say and she frowns and then begins reading again

"6. Eat a few meals without any distractions, notice every bite and taste every flavor that covers your tongue, be grateful for it all  (ON OUR WAY UP) 
7. Look up at the stars and the moon, understand how small we all are and how immense the universe is, realize what a miracle everything is, and let your heart swell with amazement and admiration for life itself (ON OUR WAY UP) this means we only did three out of seven, wait a second why did you wanted the list"

"Okay," I reply "It's time we have the other four completed, look I have a plan firstly we will complete the 6th, over there is a restaurant where we can go and eat and then in our way to the dorm we will put our headphones on and scream and sing like crazy and then.... mhm this will be surprise" I say and grab her hand I want to make something special to her

"Oh come on, tell me" she says bored "I hate surprises" and here it goes she rolls her eyes and then frowns

"No I won't tell you, and you love surprises everybody does it's just you want to know but not playing that with me I won't tell a single thing, now hurry" she rolls her eyes again and follows me quietly.  we set in our tables and we ordered pica and cola and then we started talking about different things and she just laughed and smiled and that was something great to see her smile was the cutest thing I had ever seen seriously just then my phone rings and it's a message from Zayn saying (work done you have to hurry)   

"Ok now it's time to go shopping" I say and get up from my chair. She clears her lips and gets up too, I paid the bill and we walked to the shopping center.

"So what are we going to do here??" she asks

"It's a shopping center we will buy some things of course" I smirk and she rolls her eyes, I love when she rolls her eyes

"Ha ha very funny, you should be comedian not a dancer" she responds as we walk into a shop with bracelets and necklaces this is going to be my time we pass on some things and I grab a bracelet from the table and put it in her pocket when we were about to walk out the alarm goes on and we were surrounded by security, yes my plan worked out. I hope the rest will work too

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