Chapter 18

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A minute passes and another loud noise catches my ear. Why would this be me just let it go Kendall. They won't hurt you. I kept telling that to myself for a several minutes but nothing helped I just didn't seem to stop crying I really hope that Harry won't wake up. And just then I hear him get up from his bed and comes closer to mines

"Hey Kendall, uhm uhm do you need something?? " no no no I can't tell him It will make me look like a total bitch

"Yeah Harry just go to sleep." I say trying to stay as calm as I can but I'm pretty sure it didn't work. Please don't push it Harry I can't deal with that now

"Oh, Ok, Uhm if you need something just ask" he says and then he sits on the floor. Really come on. I don't really know what's going on with Harry right now but a lot is going in my mind. And here comes another one bbooomm Jesus please make it stop.

I feel the heat of my tears in my cheeks and then I hear Harry get up again. Thank god he's going to sleep. Just then I feel him sitting on my bed and rubbing my head, and then he slowly lays in my bed. I want to get up and to push Harry away but his body is warm and if feels nice it makes me feel..makes me feel protected

"It's alright Kendall whatever it's going on can't hurt you right now, I'm here ok so don't worry just close your eyes and get some sleep." I know this is wrong but it just feels right to me I like his presence here

"Don't leave Harry" the words blurred out of my mouth "Don't leave please" I say this time more as a murmur and with that my eyes close

"Don't worry Kendall I won't." he says and puts me closer to him

"Promise" I say and I held him my finger for pinky promise. My eyes are still close and I can't see his face but I can feel his smile.

"I promise" he says and grabs my finger and the wipes away my tears and kisses my cheek and like that I feel asleep


"Oh shit" a voice next to me wakes me up "Hey Kendall it's like 6:40 we have to be in class in 20 min we have to wake up. Hurry up" it's Harry's voice. And then everything flashes back in my mind. Last night were some huge thunders and he slept in my bed with me. Oh god this day is going to be awkward

"Kendall are you here. Get up"

He yells again and then I get up and rush for the bathroom I wash my face and then find a mirror. Oh crap is this my face. I look like shit. I pull my hair in a bunny and then wash my teeth I change into ballet clothes and then I rush to my room to get my bag when I see Harry ready. Oh he waited me it's like 6:55 and he is still there and I'm frozen and staring at him
"Come on Kendall "

"Oh yeah just a sec" I say and grab my bag and we both run toward the class and Kendall for us we are there in time

"Ok students today we are going to work in groups " Ms .Smith informs us "four by four, I already made the list and I'm going to show it after the warm up" great and I thought that we skipped that
"And first position and second and third and 4 5 again 1, 2, 3..." She just keeps numbering we already know that so stop. Oh never mind me I'm just still stuck in the last night this day is going to be weird "Kendall" I hear Ms .Smith shout. Now what "You're steps don't seem right with the music so focus " oh crap I wanna dance not do this shity warm up

After 10 more min Ms. Smith shows us the list. And guess what I'm in group with Harry, Zayn and Cara oh great I see Cara coming toward us

"Oh great something bad is coming toward us" i say to Harry loud enough for her to hear me

( I know i know it's a short chapter but I had a limit time to write and this was all I could I promise the next chapter will be better don't forget to comment and vote seriously these chapters wants hours to write )

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