5: Fight

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I sat in work. Squid didn't even work with me anymore. God. My best friend was now my boss.. it was weird, I'll admit, of course it was. And I was jealous. All I wanted my whole life was to write films, arrange them.. and my one opportunity.. I blew it. I absolutely blew it.
Why should I try now?
"Hi guys." Entered Squid, he looked so professional. His white shirt contrasted with his black trousers and tie.
I should be happy for him.. instead I just feel sick with jealously.
"So.. the story board artists have been working.. I think you're gonna like it." Said Squid, everyone pulled a chair over to the projector board where he started playing the story board. I sat at the back, hardly even watching.

"So, how was your first day being the big bad boss?" I asked him, moaning slightly as we walked out the doors of work.
"Scary, I'll admit." He laughed. "But.. cool."
I nodded, taking out my phone again.
"Hey.. are you alright?" David asked me as we walked into a taxi.
"Yeh great." I lied, sitting down and telling the taxi driver our address.
"Mate.. I- I know you've had your ups and downs and so have both of us but.. come on you can tell me."
"Dave. You're just my housemate I don't need to tell you everything." I moaned.
David just stared at me, his mouth dropping before he looked back out the window.
"Sorry I didn't mean-"
"Yes you did." Snapped David. Not even daring to look at me. I began to feel bad.. I wasn't right. Beth and I had broken up and we had hardly been together at all.

When we eventually arrived back home I pulled out my wallet and paid the taxi driver myself, although with David's significant pay rise he probably would have been more stable to do so, he just walked right out.

I walked after him, the lift had shut down so we took the stairs, adding to our irritation.
"Listen.. mate I'm sorry." I told him,
"Sorry? Yeah.. what happened to us being friends?! Isn't that why we bought a flat here in the first place! Okay! I'm sorry you and your girlfriend broke up! Yeah well I lost my girl too! And I didn't go blaming it on you!" David stopped climbing the stairs and looked at me in anger. "I worked so hard! I could never stop thinking of ways to improve this film and I- you.. you sat there on your phone with not the slightest interest of what was going on! You are pointless in this business and- and you are being paid the same wage as a doctor! Someone who saves lives! This is not fair! And now I've got the big job, I've got the pay rise and I've got what you always dreamed of. And... and you've just become this horrible, obnoxious man who blames everything on other people because he can't bear to believe that everything, everything is his fault!" By this time tears were forming around David's red eyes.
I was shocked, I wave of nausea hit me. I hadn't realised what he was capable of. I felt disgusted.. offended and I didn't feel welcome.
"If that's all you think of me then so be it. You're my boss. I can't say what I think of you. But we share the flat, I still live up there. Whatever happens here does not transfer to work. I am no one to you there."
"You're no one to me here either." Muttered David, I was pulling back the humongous urge to punch him.
"We've been through so much together Dave.. all those videos." I sighed as we walked back up the stairs. "And now you-"
"-you know what! I have always cared for you! I have always went the extra mile since we moved to New York! Guess what? Just when you came home after Beth dumped you I looked on your phone and got her number- I was gonna surprise you.. I was going to get her back.. why should I? If this is how you treat me?"
I was thrown back, "y-you texted her."
"Yes .. yes of course I texted her that's what friends do." Sighed David, as he walked into our apartment and sat down on the chair, resting his head in his hands.
"And .. and what did she say?" I asked, touched.
"That she was scared and.. and missed you but was too afraid to apologise."
"Why was she scared?" I asked,
"Why the hell would I know.." sighed David, a tear falling from his eye he took a drink from the remainder of a glass of whiskey from last night on the coffee table.
"I'm sorry." I told him, honestly.
"Yeh.." he replied, waiting for me to go away, we had never been like this before. I had never had a fight with David, I had never seen him so angry before in my life. And it was all because of me.. or was it? Maybe he too was grieving that girl he met at Christmas? Maybe he was just like me..

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