12: Confession

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I woke up from a phone call. I looked at the time, I was 4am. The call was from work, I sighed, answering it.
"Patricia?" I answered, not fully awake, I rolled back in my bed with the phone to my ear.
"Hi- sorry for ringing so late.."
"Late? It's 4am... wait.. we're five hours ahead, never mind.. go on? Is everything alright?" I asked, rubbing my brow.
"No- there's been a problem with the files of the movie."
"What? What's happened?" I asked, coming awake.
"They're all corrupt, something happened about an hour ago and all the computers in Pixar went off."
"Power cut?" I suggested,
"No- all the other electricity was still on, and when we turned on the computers again everything was fine apart from the files of Coco." She explained,
"Shit.. sorry, Eh.. is there anyone who might have these files- even the storyboard artist or something? An animator?"
"The whole movie has been lost, David."
I felt sick, all I ever worked for.. was gone. But then.. there must be a copy of the movie somewhere..
"Wait." I said, on to something.
"I might have a copy of it on my computer in my apartment- I don't think it's the newest version but it might be the only thing we've got left.."
"Great- could you send it to us today?" She asked,
"I- I'm not in New York at the minute.." I explained,
"You- you didn't give notice of a vacation? So close to the premiere?" She questioned, stressing me out.
"It- it was an emergency.. my brother passed away- I'll try and get someone to send those files to you." I said,
"I- I'm sorry for your loss but.. those files are confidential." She said,
"Those files are the only thing we've got left!" I responded, "-imagine I said that without shouting."
I sighed, "I'll be back soon- let me just get today over and done with."

After the phone call ended I tried to think of the only person that I trusted in New York.. who would have a key to get in..
I found myself scrolling to Beth's number on my phone.
"Here goes nothing.." I sighed, pressing FaceTime.

I checked my hair to see if I looked okay.. i looked so tired and my eyes were quite red from crying last night.
When we connected I saw her sitting on the sofa of her house, her hair was up and she was wearing a black shirt.
"Hey." I said, feeling nervous.
"Hi what's up?" She asked,
"Beth.. I really need a favour.. my job depends on it." I told her,
"Yeah of course- What is it?" She asked, worried,
"Do you have the keys to our apartment?" I asked her,
"I do, Yeah." She replied, standing up.
"I know it's late.. but.. t-there's some files for the movie we're working on.. everyone else's files are corrupted and.." I felt myself breaking with the stress.
"David. Don't worry, I'll get there, Okay?" She asked,
"Yeah.. thank you so much." I sighed.
"You look like you need more sleep- go back to bed and I'll call you when I get there." Said Beth.
"Thank you Beth." I told her, trying to give a smile.
"Anytime." She responded.

I woke up in my hotel room, I looked over to the suit I was going to wear to the funeral. It felt so weird.
I looked down to my phone where I saw that I had a missed call from David at 4am. I rang him back.
"Hey what's up?" He asked me,
"Well, me, just about- what were you doing up at 4am?"
"Gotta call from work.. all files are corrupted- was gonna ask permission for me to phone your girlfriend." He said,
"There a file with the movie on it on my computer so.. I asked her to get it."
"Okay.. fair enough?" I responded, not fully understanding him. "Hey.. are you alright?" I asked him,
He hesitated before answering, "I will be when all this is over."

After ending my call with Stampy I got a FaceTime call from Beth.
"Hey." Said Beth, it was in the middle of the night with her.
"Hi." I responded, "you at the flat?" I asked,
"I am. Just want you to talk me through what to do." She replied,
"Right- if you go into my room you'll see the computer." I directed, she opened my bedroom door and walked towards my desktop, switching it on.
"There should be a folder called PIXAR."
Beth clicked on the corresponding file,
"Then another one called Coco, and if you click on the file Final Movie." I told her,
"Yep, it just looks like a media file." She said,
"Oh great- now if you go into my emails and send that to the group work."
Beth did as i said, sending out the file.
"There you go." She said,
"Thanks so much." I replied, relieved.
"Not a problem." She replied, smiling and switching the camera to her face.
"Hey.. hows Joe?" She asked,
"He's okay." I replied, "He's with his family."
"What about you?"
"I'm.. with mine too."
"Is joe with you?" She asked,
"No- he's staying at a hotel." I told her, unsure what she wanted,
"A couple of nights ago.. on your birthday... we almost- we almost kissed."
I felt sick even thinking about it,
"I'm sorry- I was just drunk.." I said, feeling nervous.
"I- I don't think I can stay with Joe much longer.." she said,
"What?! He loves you." I replied in shock,
"But I love you!" She cried.
I opened my mouth wide in shock.. I leaned back..
"T-thanks for sending that email.." I said, nervously,
"Sorry I've gotta go."
I hung up, looking at the ceiling.
What have I done?!

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