18: Vunerable

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I stumbled into work, feeling lightheaded after drinking far too much the night before.
I was greeted by a swarm of stares from my colleagues. A wave of nausea hit me, I felt cautious, making my way back to my desk- I hadn't been at work in almost three weeks, but no one could tell me off, David was our boss and he was off too.
I sat back in my chair, turning to the girl beside me.
"So... what are we doing?" I asked her,
"What were you doing? You've been gone three weeks without notice and you stink of vodka! The movie is finished!" She retaliated, shocking me,
"Ohhhh-Kay..." I said, spinning back around and looking at the computer.

I was back in New York, I didn't feel ready to go back to work today, instead I limped back into Joe and my apartment. However the flat looked empty.
I walked around, noticing that all of Joe's things were missing. Opening his bedroom door, I saw the empty room, it was as if he was never there.
He had moved out.
I sat on the sofa feeling awful before my phone rang. I groaned in the pain before I clutched the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I moaned,
"Mr Spencer- eh- w- where are you?! We've been trying to contact you for days!" It was Patricia. And she was annoyed. I felt bad for not explaining beforehand.
"My phone smashed.. i- I was in a car accident in England.. I just got another phone I'm so sorry.." I began,
"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" She asked, suddenly changing tone.
"I've broken my leg and I'm still a bit... y'know.. my head hadn't quite adjusted.. i- I'll try and get in." I said, feeling tired, "is- is Joe in today?" I asked,
"He is, yes- after 3 weeks- do you want to speak to him?" Asked Patricia.
"No- no not yet.." I sighed, "how's the movie getting along?"
"It's completely finished, credits and introductions added. Everything is ready for the premiere next Tuesday." She said, making me suddenly feel so much more relaxed.
"Thank you, for everything Patricia." I told her, wiping my brow and sinking into the seat.
"Thank you, Mr Spencer." She responded,
"Jeez Patricia you can call me David." I laughed,
"Alright then David, get some sleep you sound exhausted." I heard Patricia giggle to me, making me smile,
"Wow I'm flattered," I laughed, "Yeah I think I'm gonna go off to bed for a bit. Thanks Pats."

After I hung up, I thought about how weird I was acting. I had just lost Beth and now I was flirting with a colleague.
I limped over to my bed and lay down, feeling myself ache. I felt so lost.. all this time I wanted to be with Beth.. and when I had the opportunity to be with her I just couldn't.
I needed to call Joe, I needed to speak to him, but I knew he wouldn't have the slightest ambition to speak to me.
Nevertheless, I picked up my phone again and scrolled through my contacts to find him.
Not surprising me, Joe's number went straight to voicemail.
I looked out the window, it wasn't dark yet, so I gradually stood up and grabbed my crutch.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, the shirt had the top four buttons undone, my hair was a mess, but I couldn't be bothered to fix it. I had run out of energy. The only driving force to even walk again was Joe, he wasn't well, I had just broken him. I needed to see him, I needed my friend back.
It was 5pm as I got in the taxi towards work, everyone should have been leaving by now.
It was snowing again, the white specks of frost started to set on the freezing streets.
The last time it had snowed here was Christmas Day.
The taxi pulled up outside my work, I climbed out, feeling my leg ache with the pressure.
Feeling cautious I looked around, before Joe appeared, walking out of the building and swooping on a large black coat with a cigarette between his lips.
"Joe?" I began, walking towards him, his eyes fixed on me for a split second before he dropped his cigarette on the ground, running towards a taxi.
"Joe!" I yelled, trying to go after him; but my leg was in so much pain.
Joe's taxi drove off, and I ran into the taxi behind his in a panic.
"Follow that cab!" I yelled, sitting in the back seat.
"Where exactly is that cab going sir?" The driver asked, mocking my accent,
"Eh- I don't know.. New Jersey- please just follow it!" I begged, out of breath.
I tried to stretch my leg, but the cast felt really tight, all the hospital drugs had worn off me, I wasn't really supposed to be walking that much, but I felt like I had no choice.
Driving across the Hudson River, I thought of what I would say to Joe when I saw him, I had no idea how he would take it, but I assumed the worse.
Feeling even more anxious, I gripped my wallet, pulling out $10 I handed my money to the taxi driver and climbed out of the cab, spotting Joe walking towards a block of apartments.
"Joe." I began, feeling my nerves build up.
Joe looked back at me, his eyes purple with fatigue.
"Joe please let me in." I begged,
"Are you alone?" He asked, his voice was lower than I seemed to remember.
I nodded, "Yes."
I saw him gaze down to my broken leg, then look back up at me.
Then, with more kindness than I knew he could muster, he held the door for me and I followed him up to his flat.

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