14: Crash

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I sat in the car beside David, trying to conceal my constant splitting headache. The funeral had been a sad one, the saddest I'd been to in a long time.
David was driving, his eyes were stinging red as he clutched the wheel.
"You spoke well today." I told him,
"T-thanks." He replied, "wasn't really prepared."
"He'd be proud of you." I said, dipping my head with slight pain. Thinking of Tom.
"I-I dunno Stamps.. we were away too long." Said David, "we should have gone home sooner."
I nodded, "I know, but we can't change the past."
"From now on we'll go home every couple months." He began,
"-Well, every time the prices are low. I've not got your wages!" I laughed,
"Sure you've still got money left over from the old YouTube days." He sighed,
"Yeah but the flat in New York was nearly 3 million dollars." I reminded him, "and... I may have bought another one."
"I bought another flat across the Hudson in New Jersey."
I looked at David's surprised face, "W-wow when did this happen?" He asked me, not looking entirely pleased.
"Last night," I told him,
"Does Beth know?" He asked, concentrating on driving.
"Not yet, haven't been able to get hold of her." I said, feeling excited to tell her.
"I'm happy for you Joe." He said, but he didn't look it. I knew he was still completely torn apart after the funeral but I expected there was something more I didn't know..
We sat in silence as David drove along the small twisty road at high speed. A wave of nausea seemed to suddenly hit me, my head was in agony, I'd never felt like this before, I didn't want to alarm David, but I felt like I was going to faint, I hadn't expected to feel this much pain. I wasn't imagining this, something was happening to me, my eyes were beginning to water in the pain.
"Dave.." I gulped, my vision began to blur, I clutched the car door.
"You Okay Stamps?" He asked, I felt the car slow down. I tried to breathe, but I just kept feeling worse and worse.

"Joe? Joe are you alright?" I asked, putting my foot on the break slightly and looking around to Stampy who's eyes had closed, "Stamps?!" I called, putting both my hands on his face, "are y-"
Suddenly a red car came charging around the corner slamming us into the ditch.


I had no idea how long I had been unconscious for. But the car was still upside down and I was still strapped into my seat.
I tasted blood in my mouth and the window beside me had shattered. I then reminded myself about the most important person here, Joe.
"Joe.." I croaked, I was in so much pain. I twisted my neck around to see him. His head was against the smashed window covered in blood, his blood.
"Joe?" I whispered, my eyes watering in the shock, "Joe?!"
I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but I couldn't move, the airbags had blown and I smelt petrol.. we had to get out of here fast.
"Help!" I yelled, crying for our lives, I didn't know if the people in the other car were okay or if anyone had called an ambulance.
To my relief, I heard the sirens of an ambulance and the fire brigade.
"Joe.. Joe they're coming to get us.. we'll be alright Joe.." I sighed, seeing my cracked phone on the dashboard light up: there was a text from Beth.
I didn't have the strength to read it, I just wanted to get out of this car and make sure Joe was safe. I wasn't even sure if he was alive. He was unconscious before the crash.. What was wrong with him?

My hands were shaking in the shock, I smelt the petrol again, really hoping that it wouldn't catch fire. I couldn't die in a car crash... not like Tom.. my parents couldn't go through this again.
Suddenly I heard a voice, I looked over to see if it was Stampy, but he hadn't moved.
"Joe? Joe please.. please wake up!" I said, tears stinging down my face.
I looked around to see a paramedic at the window but the car began to fill with flames. The engine had caught fire.
My head started to spin in all the things that could happen.
"Help him! Help Joe!" I yelled, pointing at Joe who was still unconscious. I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but the smoke began to overwhelm me, I could hardly breathe.
"He-Help him.." I whispered, my eyes closing in fatigue.

I awoke suddenly after feeling intense pain. Everything was blurry, my head was pounding, I seemed to be lying down on gravel, people I didn't know were surrounding me,
"W-where are we?" I asked, confused,
"You've just been in a car crash, do you remember what happened?"
I shook my head, completely dazed, "w-Where's David?"
"He's still in the car, he's unconscious at the moment, we're just trying to get him out." Someone said.
I tried to move my head up to see the car, it was completely destroyed and on fire.
The fire brigade were trying to get him out, but they were rushing, if the fire reached the bonnet the engine would explode.
"Get him out.." I breathed, coughing up the smoke. I fell back onto the ground again, I was lifted up and put onto a bed,
"Everything's gonna be okay." Someone told me, looking panicked.
But just before they pushed me into the ambulance I heard a huge bang and screams.
The engine had exploded, and David was still in the car.

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