Chapter 1: My Dream

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It was a fairly calm, lustrous night. I had passed out, just before I could send a final message to Kobe, and I knew, after passing out, Kobe would be on my ass about it when I wake up. He was the kinda guy, that would send be the shittiest memes you could possibly find. That's why he's one of my best friends. Of course, memes isn't all of the reason, that would be stupid. After I passed out that night, I had a dream. A dream, unlike any other dream I've ever had. It involved the game UnderTale, which if you don't know, is one of, or even possibly my favourite game of all time. It's amazing! I love it! Anyway, back to my dream. It was about, me finding out a way to actually visit the underground, I guess it makes sense I would have that kind of dream, me being a kid who loves Undertale and all, it was hard to imagine it being real, but I wanted it too be real. So I wanted to find out if the dream I had, could actually be possible. Of course, I thought that after I woke up, because how the fuck would I be thinking of that obscure of shit in my dream. Anyway, after I woke up, I thought to myself:"Holy shit! That was amazing! I want to find out if that's possible to be real, or not." Then after I thought that childish garbage, I went and ate breakfast. What did I eat? Well, I bet your thinking:"Oh, he ate eggs and bacon or some shit" Well uhh, that's not true. I threw a bowl of Oatmeal in the fucking microwave, and bam! Oatmeal bitch's. So after I ate, I talked to my other best friend Bailey about the dream, and I told her:"It was awesome! I've never had a dream like it! I wish they were real though.." And she told me something after, she said:"I wish they were to fam! It would be awesome if we could meet them!" I was glad we were on the same page, I told her I would try to figure it a way we could visit them. She seemed to love the idea of it. I couldn't tell her too much, because she had to go to school unfortunately, but so did I. And at school, that's where I started, to try and figure out if it is possible or not. And sure enough, with enough Determination, I found out it was possible! Strange though, magic didn't exist on earth but to hell with that shit. I didn't even think about that, because I was concerned on getting my ass to the underground. Then i remembered. I promised Bailey, that if I found out how to get there, I would bring her with me. So, I waited until she was done school, because if I didn't, that would be an asshole move on my part. I texted her when she got home, I said:" Hey fam! I figured out a way to go there! I'll come get you! I don't care how! I just will!" She seemed excited that I found out a way to do it, of course, I was too. So I took a flight out to the U.S. , to go and get her. Hehe, it was amazing that I was finally gonna get to visit and chat with Sans and Papyrus! I was overly excited obviously, who would be? I didn't wanna cause trouble in the Underground though, or my ass would be beat.

"Undertale" Made Reality Book 1: The Awakened Void [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now