Chapter 18: ... Growing Darkness...

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We had just left the laboratory, or Lab, as it was called and we were walking down the Hotland path that lead to what I assumed would be puzzles later on, which i can assure you I suck ass at puzzles usually, so don't expect me to be Jesus at puzzles. The first puzzle we had got too was like a conveyor belt, button pushing puzzle, which was really lame but whatever. We got through it, then Sci called me right after:" Umm... hey Triton? Uhh, so I'm calling to tell you about the next puzzle, because you uhh... already this first puzzle, I-I see... Anyway, the next puzzle is... wait... damn it... I dont remember what the next puzzle is to be honest with you... I dont know where I left my notes.. Here look, I'll call you back buddy, just uhh... K-Keep on progressing!"He then hung up and I blinked as we kept walking onwards, I also didn't remember the next puzzle was either... maybe we had to fight those two Royal guards, ya know, RG1 and RG2? Which those stand for Royal guard 1, and Royal Guard 2, which i didn't necessarily wanna fight them but I had no choice. So we walked further and I was correct it seemed, which if I remember correctly, after this is some bullshit with Mettaton? But we hasn't seen him in the lab... maybe Sci got rid of him or something, Who knows, so we kept walking until the two Guards came up behind us and said some dorky ass shit like:" Hey you monsters? Whatevs who gives a flying red neck fuck. Anyway, come with us you puny things."they grabbed us and then let go immediately:" Woah, your like totally humans.... FUCK YOU GUYS YOUR ALL DEAD" then we entered a fight, cus why the fuck not. As the battle started it also ended when a dark shadow appeared and wiped the two Guards out instantly, leaving no trace of them. I was so scared I just walked away without saying shit... That is until we entered a room... if was dark... very dark..  and full of machinery... this wasn't here before... so i immediately grabbed Kobe and Bailey's hands and ran out, not wanting to be in there any longer then needed or wanted, they both looked confused but didn't seem to question it at the moment I guess. I looked back and saw the figure who was cloaked in black and had a white face, I looked closet but he seemed to be gone, so I shrugged shakily and walked ahead more until we came upon another hall way, which we of course walked through cus we had too and also, cus why the hell not. We walked through and I noticed around the decrepit edges and corners, there were lots of thick while webs... lots... Too many... I hadn't hated spiders on small numbers, and I hadn't hated small spiders but I knew something bad was coming... a huge ass spider named muffet... this actually scared me a bit, seeing as muffet was a huge ass spider and that's creepy, but I shrugged it off as the darkness in the room grew even darker, which was really eery to be honest, it seemed as if the darkness was so thick that it engulfed the webs and actually broke them, which was very very strange, seeing as darkness wasn't even a physical property when it came to light and shit, so I had wondered what this was... meh, I didnt know so I just kept walking with Kobe and Bailey as the darkness grew and we eventually saw muffet... but this wasn't normal... she was... hung by her neck from a solid dark rope... this scared me a bit... so i just stayed still as the darkness grew around us... this wasn't good... I grabbed their hands and wr ran as fast as we could to get outta this room, or we would be swallowed inside of it, luckily we got out just In time to not be swallowed by that black shit. I was so confused as I walked ahead, only to see that the MTT resort was pretty much destroyed... this was bad.. 

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