Chapter 23: The Problem At Hand

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As we had awoken and saw Sci there, we then sat up and then listened to what he had to say:" So... uhh, we have a problem guys... a big one at that," He said, sounding rather nervous about whatever the problem may be. We blinked and I asked:" Wait.. a problem? What kind? I assume its not good," I said, sighing at the thought of more problems than we already have. He looked at us and simply said:" Well... this whole universe is unstable.. and so are the others.. I think I know whats going too happen... and I don't like it.." He told us, it clearly sounded troubling:" Oh no... we better try too fix it then," I had suggested before he told me:" Its already too late to be honest... the best thing we can do is round up every one of the strongest monsters in the underground, and bring them to the Castle here," He told me, pushing up his glasses and sighing:" Oh, alright then, lets get right on it," I said before we got up and left as Sci teleport-ed away. We then met back up at the Castle again, but this time with every strongest monster here:" Alright, that seems like everyone. Now then, we have too explain to you all, what exactly is happen-" He was then cutoff by a loud bang and swishing sound, he then looked shocked before saying:" Oh god... it's already begun..." He mumbled before teleporting back too the Barrier, which we then followed after him. He was standing in front of a black hole looking object that suddenly engulfed the whole underground and destroyed all of it besides the Castle, so we were the only things left alive. The strongest monsters and us. We blinked as we could see over the edge of the castle... we were on a floating castle in the middle of a black empty abyss, but then, suddenly a bunch of other castles appeared, and were also floating, they all weren't very close too us but that didn't matter. They all looked the same also, which was very very weird. We were all floating around a maze/arena that looked exactly like the underground, and it was the same size too:" Whoa! What the actual fuck?! Jesus Christ," I said before Ellana walked up too me and told me:" Yeaaaahhh... This is bad. We don't get anymore C** Tea do we?" She asked, already sounding like she knew the answer, which I then told her:" No, we don't get anymore," I said before walking back to Sci, Kobe and Bailey with her:" Yeah guys, this is a huge problem. We are literally in the embodiment of nothingness, with a bunch of alternatives around this huge empty void," I said, sighing and zipping up my hoodie. Sci sighed and pushed up his glasses, looking at me:" Yes... this is the 'Dark Void', which is bigger and harder too leave than the regular 'Void'," He told us as we all sat down and did pretty much nothing for the meantime. A few hours later, we heard a voice, one that sounded kinda sinister:" Ahh, hello all of you, I see your here in my... 'Dark Void'... Hahaha, what a pleasant surprise to be honest, 'lemme get my clipboard.." He said before what sounded like writing occurred, before he then said:" I see all of the strongest monsters are here, haha, thats what I like too see. Well then, I shall reveal myself to all those wights and Monsters alike.. I also see some of  you seem too be soothsayers.. haha, good work for that ability,' He said before another black portal appeared and then closed as a tall figure stood on a platform above everyone.. ???, seemed very calm...

"Undertale" Made Reality Book 1: The Awakened Void [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now