Chapter 22: . . . . . F)0@#wey. . .

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We had just met Ellana here, which is kinda weird how she was here first but I'll ignore that thought because the more I think about the weirder it'll would to be honest:" Well look who it is, I won't ask how you got here before us Ellana," I said, smiling because I know she hates her name.  Something to note, her name is actually pronounced Ellyana I'm pretty sure, but its not even spelled like that so I don't know whats happening anymore:" NOOOOO!!  WHY YOU CALL ME THAT?????!! I HATE MY NAMEEEE!!  JEEEZ,"She comolained rather loudly, which totally made sense and this is how she normally reacts to her being called that by me or someone else she knows online.  We all chuckled at this:" So, hows the c** tea?  I assume we're still the only 3 people that drink it? " I asked, not really knowing why the hell her and I made up something called c** tea, nobody would drink thst shit:" Oh! Yeah your right about that, we are the only three that drink it. Probably because of what's in it, but it actually tastes rather good to be honest so I don't know," She said, clearly acknowledging the fact that we run a filthy business:" Well that explains all the money we don't make," I said with a chuckle, clearly knowing that we wouldn't make shit off this joke of a business. We smiled and all had a good laugh before Asgore suddenly fell too the ground and dissapeared into fine dust:" Oh fuck no... We have too deal with FLOWEY NOW FOR FUCKS SAKE, like holy hell I really don't want too,"I said, getting annoyed at how many pissy fights I and my group have had too go through. This fight was sure ti be a hell of a lot different that usual, so I at least prepared myself for thst aspect of it, which in the end makes it easier because you'll be expecting something very fucking weird, and being prepared for that also means that you will know how too deal with it quicker:" Oh no what-.... We have ti fight flowey?.... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WITH THIS SHIT?!!!  WHAT THE HOLY FUCK!" Ellana yelled, clearly pissed off she can't drink more c** tea with Asgore seeing as he's dead, and also the fact that she probably doesn't want too fight anything at the moment. Then, at that moment, flowey appeared outta nowhere and 6 souls floated above him:" Heeheehee!!  Did you really think you fools could stop me?  Hah!  What a fucking joke!  Now look who's got the power now =) That's right!  Me! Heeheehee=)  You'll regret coming here you fools..  Now then... G- E T  R E A D Y..." He said before absorbing the souls and turning into a fucking creepy ass black and withered looking plant thing..  It looked like Omega Flowey but more...  Withered and decayed looking.. Its mouth was decaying and flesh hung straight down from its bare teeth:" W&#ll hœw do I lœok? Heehee=)  Be prepæred for hell...  Y o u  d i s g u s t i n g  t r a s h=)" He said before shooting a fuckton of white bullets and cannon shots of tea, god he was firing c** tea at us?  Like for real?  What the fuck is this shit:" Holy mother of piss this is hard as fucking shit!"I yelled, not liking where those fight was likely heading. We had too dodge incoming blasts of c** tea being fired at us out of an extremely high velocity cannon:" HOLY MOTHER OF HELL JESUS OH MY GOD!!" Bailey screamed, clearly sounding as if this was frightening or scary, which I'll be honest, this was fucking scary as fuck too be honest, I'm clearly writing thus right after the fight but whatever I was scared shitless and it sounded like she was too:" Oh my fuck this is fucking disgusting as fuck,"Kobe said, not sounding panicked at all but rather creeped out and disgusted. We then tired out flowey after a good few hours of dodging stupid ass attacks:" No... I can't lose... No... Shit!!! ..... I'll see you guys later then =)" He said before disappearing into the ground and we just stood in the hall way of the barrier, dumbfounded and confused on what we should do now:" Well then... That all happened at one time..."I said before falling too the floor smd passing out, which as I did, the others than passed out as well. We then awoke in the throne room, with Sci sitting in a chair, sipping a cup of coffee and writing down some notes on his clipboard:" O-Oh... Hello, you guys are awake... Good... But... We have a serious problem.. And it ain't good,"He said, sighing as he pushed up his glasses and sipped his coffee... This problem must be bad if everything is slowly corrupting around us...

"Undertale" Made Reality Book 1: The Awakened Void [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now