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<I never edit my shit>

"Fuck!" Max groans angrily.

"What?" Chad asks in annoyance.

"Just look at this!" Max says, throwing the letter at him.

Chad covers his face, startled. Once the letter lands on him he picks it up. After reading it he frowns and tosses it to Jeff. He catches it and reads over it quickly, skimming it slightly. Jeff groans and tosses the letter on the floor next to him. Chad just lays out on most of the couch, getting comfortable. Jeff lies on his back on the floor. Max paces the living room, wondering how they're going to do this. None of them know about any of this lawsuit bullshit, besides what they knew about Ethan's. In defeat Max pushes Chad over and sits on the couch. In thought Jeff tosses a ball in the air and catches it over and over. Finally an idea comes to mind.

"What if we just get a lawyer and have them tell us what we need to do?" Jeff asks.

"What the fuck, that's actually a good idea," Chad says.

"Sounds good to me, lets go to that lawyer place a few blocks away and ask them," Max suggests.

"Sure," Jeff says.

"Why not," Chad shrugs, hoping they don't make him walk there.

Surprise! They walked there. The enter and Chad is panting like he just ran a marathon. They walk over to what looks like the main desk. They have to wait while the lady is helping someone else. The girl in front of them seems to be in much deeper trouble then them. Not to say they were spying, just listening closely. The hear the girl talk about needing a lawyer to help defend her. Once the lady at the desk asks why, it gets a bit interesting. She tells that she's been accused of violating her probation. The three friends look at each other before stepping back a bit. The lady at the desk gives her directions as if she's been here before. Once she leaves Jeff steps up.

"We're being sued for trespassing and don't know how this stuff works," he says bluntly.

"Ok, all three of you?"

"Yeah," Chad replies.

"So are you being sued separately, or together?"

"I don't know" Jeff shrugs.

"I see, how serious was it?"

"I don't know, we just went to grab our rocket that fell in their huge ass yard," Chad answers.

"Ok... so I assume you're being sued so they can get money from you. Do you know how much and if they want you to all pay that much separately or together?"

"Um, don't know?" They just kind of shrug.

"Did they have anything stating trespassers will be fined or anything like that?"

"It was dark, and we didn't think about looking," Max answers.

"So, what exactly do you want us to do?"

"Yeah uh, we just need a lawyer.." Max trails off.

"Ok, just follow me," the lady says, a fake and pained smile on her face.

Yes, Max and his two friends know nothing about lawyers, lawsuits, or anything of the kind. He almost feels bad for this poor lady; a professional having to explain to them everything yet they still don't understand. Quietly the three boys follow the short lady through hallways, already confused as to where they are and where they came from. A few minutes of silent walking goes by before she stops at a door. She doesn't say anything, just opens the door and stands there. Chad shoves them into the room. Slightly slamming the door the lady closes it and leaves. A man about the boy's age looks up at them. His face is blank as he looks them all up and down. Max won't lie, he's handsome yet a bit intimidating.

"Let me guess, something stupid like trespassing or accidental destruction of private property," the man says, still a straight face.

"Oh.. yeah," Max says, surprised.

"I assumed, you three don't look like ones to do anything serious," he replies, a smile sneaking onto his lips.

"Is it really that obvious?" Jeff asks in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Sit down, this case should be one of my easier ones," the guy says with an amused smile.

"So we know nothing besides we're being sued," Max informs him.

"I can work with that, I'll just need some obvious information like your names," the guy smiles slightly.

"Not even going to say your name?" Chad asks sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, I'm Ian carter," the guy says.

"Max, Chad and Jeff," Max says, pointing to each one as he says their name.

"I think spelling names aloud is stupid so just write them here," Ian says as he pushes a notepad and paper over.

"So what's gonna happen?" Max asks as he slides the paper back over.

"As long as you guys didn't do anything stupid he can't fine you much. It should be fine, just tell me what happens" Ian says as he types.

Max starts to explain what happens, Chad and Jeff chiming in sometimes. Ian just listens and tries not to laugh. The three other boys can't tell though, he's pretty good at keeping a straight face. As soon as Chad starts teasing and going off about how Max and Jeff were being "so fucking gay", Ian kind of looses himself. He lets out a small laugh and quickly clears his throats and looks at his computer to hide his face slightly. Max and Jeff just glare at Chad until he's finally done with the story. Jeff puts his head in his hands for a minute in embarrassment. Max angrily rolls his eyes.

"Ok, we can definitely win this. And if he brings up the faking being gay thing, I have an idea," Ian says with the slightest smirk.

"What do you mean by 'idea', I'm worried," Max asks with a suspicious look.

"Well, it'll take some acting and-" Ian starts but gets cut off.

"I am NOT going to pretend to be gay!" Jeff says.

Ian gives a somewhat pleading look to Max, "Come on."

"Ok fine," Max says grumpily, throwing his hands up slightly.

"Good! Now we just need to get you a fake boyfriend!" Ian smiles, acting innocent.

"Not me!" Chad says quickly as Max's eyes widen.

"Do you have any other friends that would volunteer?" Ian asks.

Max jokingly laughs, "yeah no."

"Fuck. I'll do it myself then," Ian huffs before he starts typing.

Max is surprised but not complaining. The guys attractive, especially with that pleading look. He gave in because of that damn look, but now he doesn't regret it. To put it simply, Max is pretty fucking gay for this guy he doesn't even know. But that's how all love stories go, right? Princess meets a handsome guy and after one glance they're in love, seems legit.

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