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"Ian," Max smiles as he watches him enter the room, closing the door behind him.

"Hey," Ian smiles, just kind of falling onto the bed next to him.

"Wait... don't you have to work?" Max asks, seeming concerned.

"I explained what happened to my boss and he said I could take the day off if I finish up my work from home. Also he wants to meet you," Ian chuckles.

"You're too good to me," Max says as he rolls over so he's laying over Ian's chest/stomach.

Ian just chuckles, gently running his hand through Max's tangled hair. Max closes his eyes, enjoying the comfort it gives him. It's quiet for a moment before Ian finally tells Max what happened. Instead of a quick explanation he goes into detail, even telling him how he managed to get them all here. Max has to try to contain his laughter when he hears about Jeff passed out in Chad's lap. Although he fails, and turns out Ian was also holding in a chuckle. As they're enjoying the moment the door opens and Jeff bursts into the room dramatically, Chad behind him.

"Who's laughing without-" Jeff pauses when he sees Ian and Max.

Max coughs, quickly sitting up as Ian rushes to move away from him. Jeff gives them a suspicious look as Chad just tries to figure out what's going on. Ian gets up, Max soon doing the same. Jeff just shrugs, not really caring because he just wants food. Chad and Jeff head to the kitchen to wait for them, they managed to find it while exploring the house. Max takes Ian's hand in his as they walk the fairly short distance to the kitchen, only letting go when they enter the kitchen. Ian walks over to the cabinet to look through what he has to make for breakfast.

"What do you guys want? We have-" Ian gets cut off by Jeff and Chad.

"Pancakes!" They say in unison, as if they practiced it.

"Ok, that sound good?" Ian asks Max.

Max chuckles and nods. Ian looks through his cabinets and finds the bag of pancake mix. Turns out it's expired and there wouldn't be enough anyway. Jeff groans dramatically, Ian just starts gathering things and setting them on the counter. Max offers to help so Ian tells him a few things he'll need. Chad heads back to the living room. They soon find out what he's doing as they hear the tv turn on. Once he has all the ingredients he grabs two large bowls and a whisk.

"I can help," Max volunteers.

"No, you go rest and watch tv," Ian shoos him, insisting he needs to relax.

"I'll help him, you can go watch tv," Jeff says, noticing Max frown slightly.

Max nods and heads into the living room. Ian grabs a few measuring things and starts putting all the dry ingredients together. Jeff helps, trying to follow Ian's institutions. Surprisingly he's actually somewhat helpful. Jeff has actually never cooked anything, as you can tell from his videos. Although he tries to behave and ignore the urge to throw some eggs. When the batter is done and Ian's making the first pancake it's quiet, besides the tv noises in the background. So Jeff decides to 'push things along' as he puts it. By that he means being a protective big brother talking to his little sister's prom date.

"Have you taken him on a date yet?" Jeff asks, breaking the silence.

"What?" Ian asks, clearly caught off guard.

"Max, have you taken him on a date yet? Max has a thing for you, it's clear by the way he looks at you. He's been really joyful lately, as I assume you feel the same?" Jeff says, suddenly acting like a smart person.

"Oh, well, yes?" Ian answers, seeming unsure of what to say.

"Good, you should take him on another. Just remember, if you hurt him you'll have to deal with me. He's like my little brother, which means I won't be afraid to beat someone up for him," Jeff says seriously.

"I'll keep that in mind, but I could never hurt an angel like him," Ian says, muttering the last part.

Jeff just smiles and pats his back, walking into the living room like nothing happened. Ian thinks for a moment as he flips the pancake, trying to piece together what the fuck just happened. He ends up shaking it off and finishing up the pancakes. Once all the batter is gone and there's a stack of pancakes he puts all the dirtied things in the sink. Max wanders into the kitchen out of boredom and walks over to Ian. Ian sets the table as Max leans on his back, his head resting on Ian's shoulder. With a smile Ian takes Max's hands and wraps them around himself, making Max smile.

"You're a fucking faggot," Max mutters playfully.

"Only for you," Ian says, moving his head to place a kiss on the top of Max's head.

Ian walks them over to a chair and pulls it out. He turns around and goes to sit down, but unwraps himself from Max once he's sat in the chair. Max groans but stays put as Ian pushes his chair in slightly. After calling for the other boys Ian sits down in the chair next to Max's. Jeff and Chad rush in, quickly sitting down at the two chairs across from them. It's quiet as they all eat peacefully, and by peacefully I mean like they're starving African children. Once they're done Jeff and Chad go back to the living room, Max lingering behind. Not noticing Max leaning in the doorway Ian hums as he scraps the leftover bits of food into the trash.

"Jeff and Chad are really taking advantage of how good you treat us," Max chuckles, startling Ian slightly.

"Oh really?" Ian laughs.

"Definitely, at this point they're going to ask you to come live with us as our maid," Max jokes with a small laugh.

"That's not gonna happen, but to pay me back you could let me take you on another date," Ian replies with a beautiful goofy smile.

"Pay you back? You'd be the one treating me! But of course, how could I turn down an handsome idiot like you," Max smiles, walking over and hugging Ian while practically falling into him.

Ian just laughs as he hugs back. Both a smiling mess at this point. Even more of a mess then what's left over after the breakfast adventure.

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