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Max wakes up to his alarm going off loudly. He grabs his phone sleepily and turns it off, checking the time. About 7am, way earlier then he usually gets up. Max gets up anyway, and gets ready to visit Ian. Once he's all ready Max grabs his coat and quietly leaves the house. Not wanting to bother with his car Max walks the two blocks it takes to get to the donut shop. He orders a bunch of different kinds, not knowing what Ian prefers.

After also getting himself a coffee to keep him awake he heads for Ian's work. Thankfully everything is quite close, so it doesn't take long for him to get there. He walks in and goes up to the lady at the desk. Max says he's here to visit Ian, but she says he can't do that. But Max manages to bribe her with a donut, since she looks like she could use one. Max smiles and walks to Ian's office, trying his best to remember where it is. Eventually he gets there and knocks on the door.

"Come in," Ian answers.

"So how can I help you?" Ian asks, not looking up.

"I mean, a hello would be nice," Max chuckles.

"Max!" Ian says happily as he hears who it is.

"Aw you did miss me!" Max smiles, acting overly flattered.

"Of course," Ian chuckles.

"I didn't know what kind of donuts you like so I got a bunch," Max says as he sets the box of donuts down on the desk.

"Sweet! Is that coffee for me too or do I have to steal it?" Ian asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, this is for me. I need it so I don't fall asleep," Max laughs.

"Too bad," Ian says, grabbing it from Max and taking a sip.

"Hey!" Max says.

"Come on, you can share a bit of coffee," Ian smiles, nudging him slightly.

Max rolls his eyes and takes the cup back before taking a sip. He sets the coffee down and drags one of the chairs behind the desk. Max sits down in it, now sitting next to Ian. It's quite for a bit as they eat their donuts and share the cup of warm coffee. Ian still works between bites of donut and sips of the coffee.

"Y'know you didn't have to bring that chair all the way over here," Ian smirks.

"Oh really, why?" Max asks, eyebrows raised with a curious smirk.

"I mean you could always sit with me," Ian winks.

"Gladly," Max smirks before moving the chair back.

Ian tosses the empty coffee cup in the trash before Max sits down on his lap. Ian is a little surprised at first, not expecting it, but quickly smiles. Max smiles back and leans his head on Ian's as he works. A buzzing noise startles them both, but it turns out to be Max's phone. He glances at who's calling him, it's just Jeff so he ignores it. Ian tells Max about some of the cases he's worked as Max sleepily cuddles him. After a while there's a knock on the door, scaring them both. Max quickly gets up as Ian straightens up.

"Come in," Ian answers, putting on a straight face.

"Oh, are you busy?" The lady from the front desk asks, smiling at Max slightly.

"No no, i was just leaving," Max says before Ian can answer.

"Ok, well I've got a new case for you," the lady says, both boys only now seeing there's someone with her.

Max grabs the box with the remaining donuts as the lady walks away. The client walks in and sits down across from Ian. Max places a quick kiss on Ian's cheek before saying goodbye and heading out. Ian says bye back before Max leaves and closes the door behind him. Ian quickly turns his attention to the client, secretly a bit nervous. Max gives another donut to the lady at the front desk, who he's slowly making friends with. Once Max leaves the building he remembers Jeff tried calling him, so he heads home.

"There you are!" Jeff says loudly once Max walks into the house.

"We were worried!" Jeff scolds him.

"He was worried," Chad scoffs.

"Shut up I'm fine, and I brought donuts," Max smiles.

Chad perks up at this, walking over to grab a few. Max opens it and lets them grab one. He takes the rest to the kitchen and sets them down on the counter. Max wishes he could have stayed with Ian longer, but didn't want to be rude to the guy needing Ian's help. Jeff calls for Max so he heads into the living room. They're watching dumb shows on travel channel, where all the best things to make fun of are. Max smiles and sits down on the couch with them.

"Also, you couldn't have eaten five donuts on your own. Who're you with this morning?" Jeff asks with a sly smirk.

"Just a friend," Max rolls his eyes, but blushes slightly.

"No you're ly-" Jeff starts but gets cut off by Max elbowing his side.

Jeff just groans and looks back to whatever is playing on the tv. They sit and watch tv for a while. They somehow change positions so Jeff is leaning his back on Chad's arm with his legs over Max's lap. Max has one leg up on the edge of the couch while the other is off the couch. Chad is still just sitting like normal though, too lazy to move positions.

"We should go film that video now," Jeff suggests.

"Yeah, lets go get drunk!" Chad says, excited since there's alcohol involved.

"Fine," Max rolls his eyes.

Chad gets up making Jeff fall fully onto his back. Max laughs as Jeff just lazily rolls off the couch. Max gets up and goes to grab his coat again. They all put on their coats and grab some vodka and a case of beer from the fridge. They drive over to a nearby playground. No kids are there since it's a school night and it's already almost 9 pm.

"Drunk hide and seek, right?" Max asks.

"Yep," Jeff says as he grabs a beer.

"Im the seeker first," Chad declares, not letting them say otherwise.

They each grab a camera and down a few cans of beer. Once they're tipsy they start. Whoever gets found first has to take a big shot of vodka. If the seeker can't find them in time then they have to take the shot. And so it begins, getting drunk at a playground and playing hide and seek till 1am.

Petty Crime ✓ maxianWhere stories live. Discover now