I Have Angels

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God has sent me angels..

He only sent me 3..

But that is all I need..

He sent them in all different forms..

He sent them in help..

He even sent them in experience..

He told me that he gave me angels not just because I need them..

But because they need me too..

They help me up when Im down..

They take my blade from me..

They are the reason I am still alive..

If it was not for them I wouldn't be here right now..

And to those people....

I love u!

And no matter how hard life gets u have to stay strong..

No matter What!

A/N: This was written for the angels in my life right now. They are amazing. And I do really care about them. I help them and they return the favor. These are the only people whp can tell when something is wrong.

My Angels:





I love u guys so much..

U guys are my only family..

And I just wanna Thank u for all that u have done!



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