A/N: #5

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Hey guys! So ive been thinking. And thats not always a good thing :). But anyway. So im sure u know just as well as i know. That there are love stories all over wattpad. But what ive never seen, and u tell me if im wrong; ive never seen a love story with a dark past. For example i was thinking.....I could make a story where..

"The girl is a recovering victom of depression/cutting/suicide attemps ect. And we put this perfect boy in her life.. He is just amazing.. But he has yet to know this little dark secret of her past.. Only to find out when the darkness of her past comes to haunt her and she is pulled back into the hole.. And their love is put to the test when he discovers the little secret she holds."

I NEED feedback on what u guys think of my idea. So if u could pls comment and let me know that would be great. But i wanna make this happen fast so i want every person who is reading this. To comment "yes" or "no." Yes meaning u want to see a story like this. No meaning just leave it alone and try again another time. I wanna thank u guys so much for all the feedback that i have already gotten.

~Stay Strong loves! <3


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