A Real Moment

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I walk into the house when I hear the voice and when I see the person, I feel like throwing up.


"Don't say anything. I don't want to hear it." I say, not letting them speak.

Pablo looked desperate and that only made me want to forgive him. I felt weak at the knees, so I sat down on the sofa, my eyes on the floor, so I wouldn't look at Pablo and instantly forgive him.

"Please.." says Pablo, "Don't let this end like this, hate me forever Angie, but please let me say what I need too."

I looked up and saw German standing there, contemplating whether to allow Pablo to stay or not and I knew I should say yes.

"What do you have to say?" I ask, looking up to meet his gaze.

"That I'm sorry. That I over exaggerated. That I'm a jerk. That I do care about you. That I'm happy for you. That I know you'll be a great mother. That I'm really, really, going to miss our friendship and I will never forgive myself for the way I acted." He sighs and looks at me for a moment, before turning around and heading for the door.

I'm unsure whether to say something, but German beats me too it.

"Pablo, wait."

Pablo turns around, bewildered that it is German who stepped in.

"You said nothing against the pregnancy when you spoke with me, so why when you were with Angelica? Why do that to Angie?"

Pablo sighs, "Because I'm an idiot and I thought that it was only a possibility and as Angie was so vague on the topic, I thought that she wouldn't want a child. Clearly I was wrong, now I see she was being vague as she was anxious to see what we thought and now I feel like the worst person in the world. I had to come and apologise immediately. There is nothing else I can say."

I am trying not to cry as I say, "I can think of one thing."

Pablo thinks for a second but seems confused. I know he won't get anywhere like this.

"Pablo!" I cry, "You're my best friend! I need you on my side!"

"I know." says Pablo looking at me, "I'm on your side. I support you, German, Violetta and the baby one hundred percent.

I smile and stand up to hug him.

"I'm so glad you do, because I need you so ultimately tealeaf needs you too."

Pablo looks at me bewildered, "Tealeaf?"

I giggle slightly.

"You gave the baby a nickname didn't you?"

"Perhaps." I say with a grin.

Pablo reflects my grin through his own and we are all buzzing.

"I hate to ask this," I say ruining the moment, "but have you spoke to my mother?"

Pablo sighs, "I hate to say this, but no."

"It's okay." I say as I hug him once more.

"When do you think Angelica will come round?" asks German as he sits on the couch.

I take a seat next to him and pull Pablo down with me so I am sandwiched between my two boys.

"Honestly?" says Pablo sadly.

"Of course." says German rather confused.

Pablo sighed and looked at me sadly. I know the answer. Pablo doesn't need to say it.

"My mother is stubborn." I say with a false smile, "If she doesn't come and apologise today, then I doubt she ever will."

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