Chapter 5 "Lovers And Enemies" Royal

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 I stared at the ring on my finger as I waited for Dusty to come out of the gas station. I exhaled deeply and removed it but put it right back on, I still wasn't ready. My cell phone begin to ring so I reached in my purse to retrieve it. 

"Papa" flashed across the screen and I answered, 

"Hey papa, how are you?" 

He was calling to ask me if I could have joined him and mommy for dinner tonight, how there was something important he needed to tell me. 

"Sure I would love to have dinner with you guys. Okay. I love you too, bye bye." 

Dusty finally came out the store and got in the driver's seat. She handed me a Pepsi Cola and a Debbie cake. 

"Royal do you know you've gained weight?" 

I scoffed at her comment before I responded, 

"Wow thanks Dusty, that's very rude!" 

I cut my eyes at her, 

"No, no it's not a bad thing Royal. I mean you've gained weight in all the right places. If I didn't see you almost on a daily basis then I wouldn't recognize you what with the haircut cut and the extra pounds, you're sexy mama!" 

We both giggled, 

"Thanks, I guess."

 I decided to ask Dusty a personal question, 

"What do you think of Riginal?" 

Dusty twisted her lips as if she was thinking and trying to choose her words carefully, 

"He's a cutie I suppose. A little weird but a cutie." 

I snickered before I responded, 

"What do you mean by weird?" 

"I don't know. He just can't ever seem to form a complete sentence when I'm around, and he stares at me like he's never seen me before." 

I smiled as I thought about the failed attempts Riginal had at trying to come off cool around Dusty, 

"That's because he likes you. A lot." 

A smile crept across Dusty's face, 

"Unfortunately his father just recently passed away. I've been at his house a lot lately trying to cheer him up but I have a dinner date with my parents tonight. So I was hoping maybe you could swing by his home and keep his mind off his father... Please?" 

I flashed her my sweetest smile. She exhaled deeply, 

"Fine. I'll do it but you have to agree to something for me as well." 

I folded my arms and stared at her before I spoke, 

"What is it? And it better not be anything crazy." 

She parked the car in front of my apartment, 

"Well I'm hosting a Poetry Night and it would mean so much to me if you could perform your song for the audience." 

I shut my eyes tightly, I knew it was going to be something crazy. 

"Look, I don't know Dusty you have to give me  some time to think about it."  

She then turned to me in her seat and clasped her hands together as she began to beg, 

"Oh please Royal! This is the only loose end that I have to tie up, everything else is already set in motion." 

I bit my bottom lip as I stared straight ahead, 

"Why that particular song? Why not something else?" 

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