i. cokeworth

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Bast looked over at her brother and smiled, both fearful to see their newest home. Bast knew that moving was certainly nothing to be afraid of, but since as they had been forced to move around for almost four years, the twins were terrified.

She felt her mother's warm hand reach out to grab hold of her's, and she extended her other arm towards Remus. Her eyes snapped shut at the sound of the pop, and when she opened them a few seconds later, they were in a whole new place.

"Welcome to Cokeworth," her father said with a chuckle. "Our first muggle town. May it prove to be a good home."

Bast smiled. She certainly hoped it would be a good home. She was rather hoping to keep some friends longer than two months, and maybe even live a somewhat normal life. To her, it was a sad thing that a nine-year-old never had the chance to have many friends.

The two twins went off to claim which bedroom would be theirs, and after a quick debate, the reached an agreement. After that, the two went off and explored the rest of the small home.

Dinner came and went, and it was soon time for bed. The two went up to their bedrooms; however, their parents stayed behind. Bast couldn't help but smile as her father performed a charm, causing her mother to laugh. She had often heard stories about muggles and wizards not getting along, but she was glad that her mother and father were part of the population that did coexist harmoniously.

Bast slept soundly, wrapped up in a large, fluffy blanket. As morning came and the sunlight shone through her window, she moaned and rolled over, causing her to fall onto the wooden floor. With a grunt of pain, she pushed herself up and rubbed her sore side. She glanced over at the small clock on the wall, realizing how late she had slept. It was nearly ten-thirty! With a yawn, she headed downstairs to find where the kitchen was. Upon finding it, she saw that her brother was already awake and that her parents had started breakfast without her.

"Morning sleepyhead! We were wondering if you'd ever wake up. I've saved you some bacon and beans!" Her father laughed a bit before her mother glared over at him.

"Lyall, you saved her more than that! Don't worry dear, there's lots of food still on the sideboard. Just don't make your father's mistake and fill up on breakfast. A lovely girl named Petunia brought over a pie as a welcoming present, and you sure don't want to eat so much bacon that there's no room for pie!"

Bast smiled to herself. A girl? Maybe she's my age! I hope I'll see her later. Maybe we can be best friends!

She piled some food on her plate before joining the rest of the family at the table. Bast ate in peace while Remus looked over the morning's edition of the Daily Prophet. Once she was finished with breakfast, she leaned over to try and grab the newspaper. This caused an all-out tickle war that lasted for a good ten minutes. Finally, both twins collapsed onto the floor trying to catch their breath, but laughing at the same time, which didn't help in the least bit.

Finally, the two got up. The tickle war had been slightly pointless and the newspaper lay abandoned on the table. Hope emerged from the staircase, holding a blanket open.

"Remus, don't you want some rest? Having fun is great and all, but you know what's tonight. You'll want rest."

Bast looked over at her brother. Remus hung his head low and muttered something along the lines of "yeah, I guess you're right" and followed after their mother. She looked towards Bast and cast an apologetic smile.

"Bast, go outside and play or something. You know how sensitive Remus gets to noise."

Bast swallowed and nodded, obeying her mother's orders. Opening the door, she stepped out and coughed. Bast has forgotten the part where her father mentioned that it was an industrial town. The smoke coming from the large smokestacks definitely brought it back to the front of her mind.

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