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xl. livestream

Seeing as the couple had nothing much to do on the tour bus, yet were way too lazy to actually go out and explore, they decided to go on Instagram Live and interact with the fans, as it was always something that managed to put a huge smile on Mya'...

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Seeing as the couple had nothing much to do on the tour bus, yet were way too lazy to actually go out and explore, they decided to go on Instagram Live and interact with the fans, as it was always something that managed to put a huge smile on Mya's face.

Something that the blonde-haired actress/singer/song-writer had always loved was being able to interact with her fans and show them how much she appreciated and adored them, as they did so much for her and they were the reason why she was so successful. Even if she had a busy schedule, the petite woman always wanted to find time for her fans and keep them updated on her life, even if it meant only talking to them for a few minutes.

Knowing that the Instagram Live notifications hardly popped up on people's screens, Mya decided to tweet out that she was going live on Instagram, before she opened up the said app and turned on the livestream, placing her phone against the wall as her and Chandler sat cross-legged on the floor, Mya resting her head on his shoulder with a content smile on her face as the countdown began, and then they were live.

"Hey, everyone!" The blonde smiled happily, sending a small wave to the camera as comments instantly flooded in, screeching about how cute Chya were or how much they loved them, whilst some comments were about the cover that Mya had posted the night before, "I know that I haven't done a live in forever, so I wanted to catch up with you all, so leave comments and tell us how your day has been or ask questions or something like that."

Briefly glancing over at his girlfriend, Chandler's smile widened as he noticed how happy she was, and he really admired how much she loved her fans and how she would do anything for them. Mya was one of the most humble celebrities he had ever met, and he was genuinely so glad that he had the chance to meet, work with, and date her.

Slightly leaning forward, the male read some of the comments and decided to read them aloud, "LyrinLover, whose real name is Hannah, wants to know how the tour is going and where Erin and Lyric are. She also wants us to tell Lyrin that she loves them."

Letting out a small giggle at the username, Mya decided to answer the question, "For a starter, I can relate to your username - Lyrin is a great ship, and I think that they're currently on some sort of date or just exploring the town together, but I'll definitely tell them that Hannah loves them. To answer your other question, the tour is outstanding and it makes me so happy to see all of you singing along to my songs. Like, I always get butterflies whenever I go on stage, and I just love the atmosphere on stage. You guys are all so sweet, and whenever I have a bad day, I can always rely on you guys to make me happy, and I hope that you can rely on me."

"I'm not even performing on stage, and the atmosphere makes me so happy, and it's as though smiling is contagious there, because whenever I look out to the audience, everyone is smiling or singing along. It's such a wonderful thing to see, and I'm so proud of this one as well." Chandler added, wrapping his arms around Mya lovingly as their smiles grew even larger, if that was even possible.

And the livestream continued like that for about half an hour, with the couple answering numerous questions and reading out declarations of love for them and their friend group, whilst the couple themselves continued to hug each other and quickly give each other small kisses, which definitely made the comment section turn hectic for a few minutes until one of them read the next comment.

"EmersonQueens wants to know if you're going to work on any songs with me soon." Mya read out, looking over at her boyfriend for a few seconds before she briefly turned back to face the camera, her small fingers lacing together with Chandler's.

Humming slightly, the male considered his answer for a few seconds before he shrugged, "I guess that it's a possibility. I mean, I've worked with you on several things regarding your music before, and I'd love to do it again, but I really like filming music videos with you."

"That's only because you were allowed to kiss me in the Why music video." The woman let out a laugh, jokingly rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.

"I would be lying if I said that isn't the reason." Chandler smiled, quickly placing a small kiss on the woman's cheek, which made a barely noticeable blush appear on her cheeks, yet the male still noticed it, causing a smirk to fall upon his lips as he poked her cheeks, "Cute."

Suddenly, Casey unexpectedly burst into the room, causing Mya and Chandler to glance over at him with confusion plastered over their faces, which soon turned into concern as they noticed that his face was as white as pure snow and his panic-filled eyes were wide. He looked as though he had just seen a ghost as he lifted his eyes up to look at the blonde-haired female with the most serious expression he'd ever had on his face.

"End the livestream."

Only three simple words came out of his mouth, yet an extremely concerned Mya decided to follow his commands, and turned to face the camera as she plastered a fake smile on her lips. Her blue orbs briefly flicked down to see the comments, yet it was hard to see them all as they simply flew past due to the large amount of people commenting. However, the singer was able to make out that her fans were quite concerned and were wondering what was happening.

"I guess that I have to end this livestream now, but please remember that I love you all so, so, so much, and thank you for constantly supporting me!" The blue-eyed woman let out a small giggle, sending a flying kiss to her fans from over the screen as she clicked the end button, her eyes briefly glancing through the comments of her fans, who were asking why she had to go or just sending her love.

As the livestream ended, both teenagers turned to face the older male with expressions of curiosity covering their faces and concern laced within their blue eyes. It wasn't like Casey to be so serious or worried over something, because he normally spent most of his time jokingly yelling at Lyrin and telling them to shut up. He was like the older brother of the group, who only wanted to sleep most of the time, but was always disturbed by his younger siblings.

"Lyric rang me a few minutes ago - just before I ran in here. Uh..." He trailed off, not exactly knowing how to say what had happened until the words just flew out of his mouth, "Erin was assaulted."

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