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l. reality

Pressed against each other tightly with their arms wrapped around one another comfortingly, the young couple was in a world of their own as their eyes remained locked on the television screen in front of them, which emitted a bright light as it di...

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Pressed against each other tightly with their arms wrapped around one another comfortingly, the young couple was in a world of their own as their eyes remained locked on the television screen in front of them, which emitted a bright light as it displayed the random show that they had decided to watch on Netflix a few minutes prior. Although, it didn't exactly matter what show they watched, as long as they were next to each other, then they tended to have fun anyways – and no, not in a sexual way.

Somehow, whenever they were beside each other, they just managed to have fun without even speaking a single word to one another. Of course, small gestures would be includes, such as Chandler pressing a gentle kiss to Mya's forehead or nose which made her giggle, but the pair never tried to have fun – they just did. They were always happy next to one another, and could always find an escape from the harrowing world when they were with each other.

So, even whilst they were watching a somewhat terrible show, both of them still had smiles gracing their lips as they briefly glanced over at one another, locking eyes before Mya turned her attention back to the screen, although Chandler had kept his striking ocean blue orbs on the female as he studied her face and took in every single detail from it, wondering for the millionth time how he was so lucky to get such a gorgeous, talented, and amazing female to date him.

Noticing that her boyfriend had been staring at her for quite a few seconds now, the blonde felt a warm blush creep up to her cheeks as she tilted her head to face him, sending him a soft smile as she let out a small giggle, "What's got you so transfixed?"

"You." Chandler murmured, pressing yet another gentle kiss to her forehead as he gently squeezed her shoulder, bringing her closer into his warm chest, which she didn't even attempt to resist as he continued to talk, "Did you know that you're absolutely beautiful – inside and out?"

"I think you've told me quite a few times, but you can tell me again if you want to." Mya chuckled, her smile somehow becoming even wider as her boyfriend continued to compliment her.

Glancing around, Chandler realised how similar this moment was to a memory that he remembered vividly. The sound of Netflix still playing had become a simple buzz in the background, whilst the lights were dim – the only light source being the television or the celebrities' phones whenever a notification had popped up on their screen.

Turning his attention back to Mya, the brunette actor simply smiled at her as he decided to voice his opinion, sending them back on a trip down memory lane, "Y'know, this reminds me of when we had our first kiss that wasn't on camera."

Letting out a soft laugh, a small flicker of recognition passed through the singer's eyes as she remembered exactly what happened when she had her first off-screen kiss with Chandler.

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