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epilogue. reality

Electrifying – the only word that the blonde-haired singer could think of to describe the atmosphere of the last show for the Felicity US Tour as the audience screeched out their lungs and raised their hands high up into the sky, waving them aroun...

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Electrifying – the only word that the blonde-haired singer could think of to describe the atmosphere of the last show for the Felicity US Tour as the audience screeched out their lungs and raised their hands high up into the sky, waving them around furiously in an attempt to get the celebrity to notice them, which she definetly did as she always gave them a humongous smile and a small wave. Like always, she was putting in everything that she had, every last drop and ounce of effort, as she bounced around on the stage and flawlessly sang into the microphone.

It seemed so strange to Mya that the US side of her tour would be finished so soon, as it felt like it had only been a matter of days since she had announced that she was releasing a new album, and since then, everything had been a whirlwind of emotions and. Although, she didn't let those emotions stop her from delivering a concert filled with fun and amazing memories that she'd definetly remember twenty years from now.

Of course, Lyric was being the silly person that she was as she sung in the background, sometimes randomly breaking into some sort of weird dance that made the crowd burst out with laughter whilst Casey sighed in dissapointment and attempted to ignore the brunette, though she didn't like that and normally took her microphone off the stand so she could walk over to Casey and repeatedly poke his face whilst he was trying to concentrate.

Meanwhile, Mya shook her head at the pair, resisting the urge to laugh as she sung the words effortlessly, interacting with the crowd who had their hands reached out towards her, attempting to hold the hand of the singer.

It was just a normal show, right?

Well, it was a normal show, until the crowd's screams soon turned into boisterous screeches mid-song, overpowering the singer's voice and forcing her to come to a halt as she examined the crowd with curious and confused eyes, not knowing what had happened to make all of the audience's screeches get so loud. Although, the answer to her question soon became apparent as a familiar pair of rough and callous hands fell over her eyes, causing her sight to go completley dark whilst a soft laugh escaped her lips.

Of course, it was Chandler Carlton Riggs who had made the audience go wild.

Pulling his hands away from her eyes, the blonde span around in her boyfriend's arms as he moved them down to her waist, squeezing them slightly. However, despite the smile that was plastered on his lips, Mya soon noticed the worry that lingered in his striking blue orbs, which he was evidently trying to hide. Obviously, it was well-hidden from the audience, but the female could easily see through the male's façade.

"What's going on, babe?" Mya questioned, her voice barely audible over the hundreds of screeching fans in the audience who had their phones up in the air as they recorded the moment between the couple so that they could post it to their social media later.

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