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xliii. reality

To say that Mya was stressed would be a major understatement, and that was evident to anybody who laid their eyes on her for a single second

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To say that Mya was stressed would be a major understatement, and that was evident to anybody who laid their eyes on her for a single second. Her brows were knitted together, whilst her ocean blue eyes seemed constantly narrowed and laced in worry for her older sister, who laid in the hospital bed beside her.

Fortunately, Erin had woke up a few hours after the news had broke out that she had been assaulted, and the doctors had instantly checked over her to make sure that she was fine and there was no permanent damage. Luckily, the only damage that she had were the humongous bruises that adorned her porcelain skin, causing her to feel a massive amount of pain whenever she moved, hence why she had chose to stay in her bed rather than move around (let's be honest though, she would've chose to stay in bed anyways).

Of course, Lyric was right beside her girlfriend, squeezing the life out of Erin's hand, and anybody could tell that the brunette hadn't slept since the assault, shown by the bags which were hurriedly growing under her tired eyes, despite the fact that everyone, including Erin, had demanded that she had a small nap. However, the worry that she felt prohibited the woman from closing her eyes for longer than two seconds.

Luckily, after the doctors had checked over Erin, they had come to the conclusion that she'd be allowed to leave the hospital later that day, which meant that both of them would be able to get some sleep in a comfy bed, and that the tour didn't need to be put on hold for a while.

Yet, Mya was still stressed.

Upon hearing the door to Erin's hospital room opening, the smaller blonde lifted her head up to lock her curious eyes on her awkward and stiff parents, who displayed barely any signs of even knowing each other, even though they were married and had made a promise to love and cherish each other "til' death do us part".

That was the reason she was stressed.

After hearing the screams, and after hearing the sound of a hand coming in contact with skin, and after reading the numerous articles about her parents having a divorce, the singer had become increasingly concerned for her parent's relationship and how hastily it was crumbling away, the small remains of it being left on the floor with no hope of being fixed.

"We're going to go back to the tour bus and sort things out for when Erin is discharged, so ring us when the hospital allows her to go." The Emerson's mother instructs the people in the room, mainly directing the comment towards Mya, Chandler, and Casey, as they were the people who she trusted the most in the room.

Instantly, Mya leapt out of her seat, her eyes remaining on her parents as she refused to let them go somewhere alone for obvious reasons, "Can Chandler and I come with you? I mean. we'd sort out everything a lot quicker if there was four people, rather than two, and the tour bus is a huge mess."

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