Mr and Mrs Hubbard Part 1: The Ceremony.

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Raelyn's POV: Around three am I decided to get up since I couldn't sleep anymore, I was tired but I was excited too. I let Tyler sleep in since I knew this would be a long day and he'd be a little crabby if he didn't get enough sleep. I pulled the blanket over him  and grabbed my phone and texted Misty. Around 7 the girls should be here so we can go to the bridal suite and start getting ready. I went downstairs and grabbed a drink out of the fridge and went to sit on the couch and watch cartoons until Tyler got up. I grabbed a blanket and snuggled up under it and sipped on my coke a bit and watched more tv. I had so many thoughts running through my mind, I was nervous, happy, excited, scared of something going wrong. But no matter what happens today, I'm marrying the love of my life, and one of my best friends, Tyler Reed Hubbard and I will always love him and be the best wife I can possibly be. We've been through so much together and our love is just so strong, I can't wait to see what happens in the next few years after we've been married for a lil while.

 Tyler's POV: After waking up I decided to go take a quick shower and then I'd call Brian after and I'd meet up with the rest of the guys while Raelyn met with her girls here at the house and then they'll go and get ready. I grabbed a towel and some clothes to change into after my shower and I hopped in after I got undressed and started cleaning off and washing my hair, today is going to be one hell of a long day but I'm so very excited and I can't wait to see how the wedding turns out.Raelyn and I have both wrote our own vows and I can't wait to read mine to her, I know they'll make her cry but I mean every word I wrote and I will be the best huusband I can be, she deserves nothing but love and she has made me the happiest man in the whole world,  I can't wait to finally call her Mrs. Hubbard. 

Raelyn's POV: After Tyler came downstairs from his shower he called Brian and he came over to pick Tyler up, I kissed Tyler and smiled and said "Love you baby, see you soon" once he left I got some stuff packed up and called my girls and they met me here at the house, we were gonna go to a cabin not too far from here to get ready for the wedding then we'll head over to the barn in an hour our two. I just couldn't believe this day was finally here. After the girls got here we all got into the van we had rented and we drove over to the cabin, we just talked and listened to music on the way there and we were having so much fun just being together and talking about the wedding and things going on in our lives, and all my girls were so happy I'd found such a great guy like Tyler, they all approved of him and think he treats me so well. 

Tyler's POV: After the guys and I finished getting ready I texted Raelyn. Brian pulled me aside for a minute and said "Hey, I know how you and Raelyn are going to Cancun, Mexico for the honeymoon, and it's going to be expensive. I know you have the money, but I wanna give you guys some extra, so you can do a lot there" and he smiled as he handed me a credit card and said "The money is already on there and you can use it anywhere, and don't worry about over spending, theres enough on it" I hugged him and said "Thanks man, Raelyn and I will be able to do so much now, thank you" we walked back to the room and the guys and us took a few drinks and then headed out to walk over to the barn where we would meet the preacher at and get the rest of the stuff ready since Raelyn would be here soon.

Raelyn's POV: After the girls got into their dresses and got hair and makeup done they started fixing my hair and working on my makeup and Gracelyn had help from Misty so she ould get into her flower girl dress. All of the girls looked so pretty and I just loved their dresses so much and I couldn't wait to see them all standing up beside me during the ceremony. Gracelyn looked so beautiful too and she's going to be an amazing flower girl, and one of Tyler's buddies little boy is gonna be our ring bearer and he's just so handsome. I grabbed my phone and texted Tyler back and then the girls helped me get my dress on and I looked in the mirror and sighed happily as Misty put a tiara on my head and I looked at my cowboy boots and the girls said "You really are his backwoods beauty queen, you look so beautiful Raelyn, Tyler is gonna be shocked when he see's the dress" I smiled and nodded and said "I know, he's going to love it I can't wait to see him. Are we ready?" the girls looked at me and nodded and said "Hell yes! C'mon, lets get you to that barn"

Tyler's POV:After the guys got all in a line and stood up next to me and the preacher stood in his spot I patiently waited for Raelyn, it was so hard to wait for her to get here but I knew she'd be here soon. Iooked around a bit and tapped my foot, I was so nervous but so happy too. Finally the music started playing and everyone who had came to the wedding was sitting in their seats, then I saw Raelyn's bridesmaids walking down the aisle and then they all stood in a line next to each other, their dresses were beautiful, so I can omly imagine how beautiful Raelyn's dress is. Next the flower girl and ring bearer walked in together and they were just too damn adorable and they looked so excited. Next was Raelyn, this was the moment I'd been waiting for, for so very long. Today I was going to marry the girl of my dreams, and my best friend 

Raelyn's POV: Once I walked into the barn and walked down the aisle I could see Tyler smiling and tears running down his cheeks and he mouthed the words "You look beautiful babygirl" and I teared up a bit too, but I tried to hold in the tears so I didn't screw up my makeup too much. I knew he'd love the dress, I loved it too. As I walked up to him and stood in front of him we locked eyes and held hands and the preacher began to talk, saying "Today Raelyn Olivia Smith, and Tyler Reed Hubbard have joined us here to let us celebrate their marriage. They have been through a lot together, but have so much love and they are ready to take the biggest step in their relationship. They have wrote their own vows to eachother, Tyler would like to read his first"

Tyler's POV: As I held onto Raelyn's hand I slipped a piece of paper out of my pocket and looked up at her and smiled and said "Raelyn Olivia Smith, today is the day that means we will forever be united. Giving you my last name is the most incredible thing ever, and baby I love you more than anything, more than being a musician and touring the world. You make me so happy and give me a reason to wake up everyday even if the days get hard. You support me through it all and you believe in me, and Raelyn I love everything about you. You are the most amazing girl in my life and I thank god that you're mine. I'm so happy to make you Mrs. Hubbard, and I can't wait till we have kids one day. I love you sweetheart" and I put the ring on her finger, Raelyn smiled and squeezed my hand softly, it was then her turn to read her vows that she had wrote.

Raelyn's POV: After I wiped some tears away I held Tyler's hand and looked at him and said "Tyler Reed Hubbard, you are amazing and so very special to me. You're beyond talented and I will always support you with your music career, no matter how stressful the days may be, we will get through anything baby. I am so lucky to have a guy who loves me for me and cares so much about me and makes me feel like a princess. You've been so great to me, and I am so thanful to have you. With each day that passes I fall more and more in love with you everyday and you make me smile like crazy. I thank god that we gave a relationship a chance and we've came so far and stayed strong even when things got really tough, I promise to love you and always be there for you no matter what baby. I love you, Tyler" I smiled and slipped the ring onto his finger and the preacher looked at us and said "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Tyler's POV: Afte the preacher stopped talking I smiled and pulled Raelyn close and kissed her softly on the lips and hugged her tight and everyone started clapping and the room was just full of happiness and so much love, I was so happy. Finally this day had came and we were now married. After the ceremony was finished we walked out of the barn together and we went off with the bridesmaids and groomsmen to take pictures and the guests would go over to a cabin area not too far from here and they would have appetizers and drinks while they waited on us. I held Raelyns hand and kissed her again and whispered in her ear "I love you, Raelyn Olivia Hubbard"

Okay guys comment & vote pleaseeee!!! I hope you all like it, and the reception will be in part two :)

I'm so sorry about the wait, I've been sick, busy with college and had family stuff going on.


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