Glitter or Guns? Or both... Surprise!

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile guys, I'll try to more often but I've been dealing with a lot due to my health plus I babysit my three month old nephew often so just bare with me guys. I'll try and update as much as I possibly can. I'm actually thinking of also making a sequel to this story, thoughts on that? Ideas? Remember, Comment & Vote everyone!! :) anyways... On with this update.

Raelyn's POV: Today I'm about 20 weeks pregnant, and a couple of weeks ago Tyler and I found out we're having twins! Yes, two babies. And honestly we couldn't be any happier. After I finished my shower and got ready Tyler got ready too and then we went out to the truck and got in, today the doctor said we can find out the sex of the babies, if they cooperate that is. I am so excited and just can't wait, Tyler and I have been talking about baby names but we still aren't for sure on which names we might use.

Tyler's POV: I started the truck up and pulled out of the driveway and started driving to the doctor's office, today we get to see the twins on the ultrasound again. And also find out the sex of the babies and we just can't wait. I really would love a boy and a girl, but no matter what I'll love the babies so very much. Raelyn's tummy is really starting to show more and more every day and I love it and I've been feeling the little ones kick a few times, it's honestly the best feeling ever. Raelyn and I have been discussing names, nursery themes, how we'll parent and all that. It's all new to me but I can't wait till the babies are born.

Raelyn's POV: Tyler got out of the truck and helped me out after pulling into the doctor's office. I kissed him and smiled as he held onto my hand and we walked into together and he helped me sign in and then we sat down and talked a bit until it was time for the doctor to see me. I've been a little nervous and scared lately, just cause I know sometimes twin pregnancies can be high risk and really scary at times, but Tyler's taking care of me so well and reassuring me that it'll all be okay.

After about fifteen minutes of sitting in the waiting room a nurse came out and called my name and Tyler helped me up and we followed the nurse back to the exam room. The nurse helped me up onto the table and asked a few questions, Tyler and I both answered them and then the nurse had me lay down and lift up my shirt.

Tyler's POV: I held onto Raelyn's hand and watched the nurse started the ultrasound and I smiled and kissed Raelyn's forehead softly and we looked at the ultrasound screen together, I could see the babies heartbeats, both were so strong. The nurse moved the doppler around on Raelyn's tummy more and smiled and said "Well congrats Mrs. and Mr. Hubbard, you're having a boy and girl! Both of them look very healthy and I'd say they'll be growing very well. You'll have some testing done next appointment, just to make sure nothing is wrong. Would you like me to print some ultrasound pics?" Raelyn and I both nodded and said "Yes"

Raelyn's POV: After Tyler and I left the doctor's Tyler stopped at the grocery store for a couple of things and then finally made our way back home. Once we were home Tyler texted BK and Misty to tell them the babies gender and BK said Misty wanted to throw me a baby shower soon, I was really excited for that! I can't wait to see what all she does. Tyler and I cuddled on the couch together and talked more about the babies and we made out for a bit, I've been really needy and craving Tyler's attention lately and so emotional due to the pregnancy, but luckily Tyler handles it all so well, he's an amazing husband. I love him so much.

Tyler's POV: After our mini make out session Raelyn fell asleep next to me I kissed her forehead softly and whispered "Goodnight my sweet babygirl" and leaned down to kiss her tummy softly and rub it and said "Goodnight my babies, daddy loves you" and I fell asleep holding Raelyn.

Okay guys, sorry if that was kind of short. But just wanted to get an update on here. It's like 3-4am or something and I'm in horrible pain so I may try and sleep here soon, if I can. Remember to comment and vote!!! Name suggestions? Ideas for the next chapter? Hope you guys like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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