The Good and The Bad |BWWM|

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*5 Years of Age*

Janae was in her room playing with her dolls eating the piece of pound cake that her grandma cooked for the past coming holiday, thanksgiving, with some milk. She was enjoying her herself, when her best friend ever since she could remember, Damien busted in her room panting.

"Janae hurry up! The ice ream truck will be here any moment now! I can hear it!" he screamed as she paused for a moment to hear if the ice cream truck was really coming, and indeed it was.

"Help me clean up please." she responded back standing up putting her dolls away as he groaned but did so. He threw the dolls, and pieces of dolls clothing in the chest locking it for her as she picked up her crumbs of cake and milk.

"I have to ask my mama if she can give me some money." she replied as he shook his head.

"It's alright my daddy gave me two dollars for the both of us." he replied pulling out the two dollars as she nodded. They ran downstairs as she threw the stuff away as he mom caught her about to run out the door.

"Where you guys think your going?" she stopped them as Janae looked up and pouted at her mama.

"We are about to go get some ice cream." she responded as her mama looked at the both of them.

"But you just had a piece of cake.." her mom trailed off as she pouted.

"Please mama.. we missed the ice cream truck the last time."  she begged as her mama looked at her and sighed. She pulled out two dollars and handed a dollar to each one.

"Be careful and watch out for cars!" She screamed at the two kids who were already out the door.

"Now we have a dollar for the next time we want some ice cream." Janae told him as they both smirked at each other.

*11 Years Of Age*

"Damien, I don't think we should be in here.." Janae replied looking around the tunnel. Damien and his cousin, Caleb, and some of  thought it was a good idea to go to the entrances of the underground tunnel to go looking around. They had their bookbags filled with water, food, and blankets just to be on the safe side. Caleb turned around and fake pouted at her.

"Awe is Janae afraid of the tunnel. Maybe we should take her back home." he laughed at her as Damien twin sister, Danila punched him in his shoulder.

"Shut up Caleb! That's why your forehead is bigger then your future!" she yelled at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah Caleb that's not cool. She has every right to be scared jack ass." Damien grabbed Janae by her hand.

"It's okay, I promise I won't let anything happen to you? Okay?" he told her as she smiled. All her life, even at a very young age she felt safe with Damien.. even still this young she knew that she could depend on him for safety.

That thought running through her mind as they walked through the dark tunnels hand and hand.

*16 Years Of Age*

"Damien stop!" Janae yelled at him, as tears ran down her face as Damien, Caleb, and more of his friends and cousins surrounded Janae boyfriend- well now ex boyfriend. Danila held on to her so she couldn't get in the way, and possibly get hurt. Damien was hot and angry as his face was red all over as he threw the first punch as he fell to the ground.

Despite what her ex did to her, Janae couldn't help the fact that he was getting jumped by a whole bunch of boys.

Somehow she got loose of Danila's group and ran in front of Damien to stop him from throwing another punch. "Damien please just stop. Can we just go home and forget that any of this ever happened. Please!" she begged him as he looked at her.

"Janae are you serious? You have a busted lip and a black eye because this pussy ass bitch decided that he wants to lay his hand on you. I'm gonna teach him not to lay a hand on you, or any other female in that matter so move out the way." he told her as she grabbed his arm.

"Damien please! I don't want you to go back to juvenile hall again! Please let's just go home!" she screamed at him as he went into his pocket and grabbed a $50 dollar bill.

"Go to IHOP across the street and order some food with Danila. We'll be there in 10 minutes." he pushed her out of the way as Danila grabbed her.

"Just let them do what they have to do sweetie." Danila whispered in her ear as she cried walking across the street.

*18 Years Of Age*

"I can't believe you guys are leaving me.." Janae pouted shaking her palm palms in her hand as Danila looked at her.

"I really don't want to you, but you know how our dads business requires us to move to Italy..." she trailed off smacking her gum as Janae looked at her.

"I know that my dad and your dad work together but my dad never told me what he does for living. He makes all this money, and yet he wont tell me what he does. So do you know what they do?" Janae asked her as Danila was a little hesitant to answer the question but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"To be honest, I really don't know.." she trailed of tucking her hair behind her ear as she nodded. "There goes the football players." she finished as the cheerleaders ran out on the sidelines of the field.

"WOO GO KNIGHTS!" The cheerleaders yelled. Janae saw Damien as her turned back in winked at her as she blushed.

"Have you told him how you felt?" Danila asked him as she shook her head.

"No and I don't plan on it. What's the point of even doing it if you guys are going to be on the other side of the Earth." Janae replied as Danila nodded.

"One day he'll know..."

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