The Good and The Bed: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Confessions of A Lover

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Chapter 11: Confessions of A Lover

 I starred down at the photos as I looked up at him as he smiled at me. "So these are pictures of her sitting down on the fucking couch.. what the fuck am I suppose to do with these?" I exclaimed sitting up as he flinched. 

"W-Well these are the photos from her recent place where she is living at sir.." he trailed off as I starred at him. 

"These are shit! I want his girl friend Irene!" I threw the pictures in the trash as I sat back down. 

"Her name was Isabella.." he mumbled as I stared at him. 

"Get the fuck out.."

*Janae Williams POV*

(A Couple of Days Later)

Over the past couple of days, even though Damien was across the country we have been getting a little more closer. 

Way too close...

We've been talking all day, pulling all nighters with each other. Also we have been talking about what we want in our future, and he has told me more then what he did when we were in high school. He told me that he one day wanted to get married to a girl that he knew was the one, and have children. But he was in fear for there life which I could completely understood. 

But sometimes it's hard to read him. I'm not one of those girls that would automatically assumed that he is talking about me when he says that he wants to get married and have children with. I mean sometimes he would hint at things like we would talk about what are kids would look like, but then he would talk with me like we are friends and joke around with things. But in my opinion, I don't know whether if that's what people in relationships do. In the last relationship I was in, it wasn't really anything like this.

I was in the bathtub, with a whole bunch of soap surrounding me and the lights dimmed low enough that I could still see. I was watching Netflix, when I heard a knock on the door. 

"Who is it?" I asked as I heard someone clear their throat.

"It's me..." I heard Damien on the other side as I grabbed the remote, turning the T.V off that was implanted to the wall. 

"Come in." he opened the door and sat down on the toilet. 

"I thought you were staying in Cali for another couple of days.." I asked him as he shrugged his shoulders sighing. 

"Honestly, it wasn't even that great over there. I went there to handle business, finished sooner than what I expected so I just left earlier. Caleb went to France to visit his mother and father, and the girls stayed back to go to Los Vegas so I just came back home.." he told me as I looked at him confusingly. 

"So it's just us?" I asked him as he nodded. His mother went back to Italy, to take care of some business so it's basically just us.

"Well I did promise to you before I left that I would take you out on a proper date.." he smirked at me as I looked at the time and groaned. 

"It's too late.." I groaned as he looked at me confusingly. 

"Well technically it's only 6 o'clock.." he laughed as I rolled my eyes. 

"Where would we even be going?" I asked him leaning on the bathtub.

"Since you don't want to go anywhere, I can cook you something to eat.." he suggested as I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Well that's not a bad, idea.. get out so I can change." I told him as he handed me my towel and sat there, while I stared at him. "Did you not hear what I said?" I asked him as he nodded.

"I'ma see it eventually so why not get a trailer for what is soon to come.." he smirked at me as I pointed to the door. 

"Nothing is coming if you don't get your ass out the damn door.." I told him as he got up and walked out as I got out and got dressed. I put on my spandex shorts and my T-Shirt then walked out in the kitchen to see him cooking something. 

"So what are you going to cook?" I asked him as he looked up at me. 

"Well I am going to make some homemade Ravioli and some Salmon." he told me as I nodded. "So how did you make it while I wasn't here?" he asked me as I shrugged. 

"I got by. Taco was good company." I replied looking down at Taco who was next to my feet look up at me after hearing his name. 

"That's good. I felt bad that I left you here by yourself, so what's better then a puppy?" he responded turning to the stove. I couldn't help but stare at his back muscles and tattoos. They were on full display and honestly, it wasn't a bad view at all. His sweatpants hang low, and his muscles were flexing as a reflex to the grease hitting him. "Do you hear me talking to you?"

His voice startled me back to reality as I looked at him and smiled. "My bad, I was just thinking about something.." I lied as he chuckled. 

"Yeah okay..." he trailed off as he walked towards me sitting down. I guess while I was in dream land, he had prepared the food and already had it cooking on the stove. He sat across from me staring at me as I stared at him back. 

"Are you not going to say nothing?" I asked him as he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Let's talk about life after high school.." he responded leaning on the counter as I raised my eyebrow at him. 

"Not much happened for me, but I wouldn't say the same for you." I chuckled as he winced. 

"It was alright I guess. I had a lot of unfinished business that I tend to get done since I'm back in the states.." he smirked at me. 

"And what is that?" I asked him as he jumped of his stool and walked back into the toilet.

"You just gonna have to figure it out.."

*Damien Washington POV* 

After we were done eating, we sat outside on the patio. She was drinking wine, and I was drinking beer and we were somewhat a little tipsy but we knew what we were doing and saying. 

I'm not going to lie, these past couple of days has been hard without seeing her. She is like a refreshment to hang around and just chill with and to be honest I needed this. I need her. 

"To be honest, not to bash her or anything I just don't know what you saw in her.." she replied sipping her wine as I laughed. 

"She wasn't always like that, but she changed and I don't got time for the flip flop shit. Especially when I could be on to better things in life." I told her as she looked down at her wine glass, then back at me. 

"I want to be with you.." she spat out as I looked at her in shocked. "yeah I know I'm a little tipsy but I know what I am saying and I am saying that I want to be with you Damien Washington.." she finished as I smiled at her. 

"I was so stupid not to confess those feelings for you when while you were there with me. But like, I wanna be with you. I wanna make things right between us." she told me. I didn't know what to say to her, all I did was set my beer next to me and grabbed her wine placing it on the table in front of us. All I did was stare at her as she looked at me I grabbed her by her waist pulling her on my hips. I pulled her closer to me, and stared at her lips. I couldn't help the urge anymore and kissed her. She kissed me back, slightly grinding on me as I groaned. I stood up, with her wrapped around my waist as we made our way insides.

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