The Good and The Bad: Chapter 13

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[Chapter 13: Declare War 1]

*Warning Sexual Content*

"I want them on the phones now!" I yelled as Danila came running behind me trying to stop me. 

"Wait, you need to think about this Damien." she grabbed my hand as I turned to look at her. 

"These people sold a little girl to a bunch of men, and they are putting not only our lives on the line they are putting their daughters life on the line Danila. At the moment, I don't give a fuck about what you or anyone else has to say. I want them on the phone, or so help me God I will personally fly out to Russia and beat their ass." I yanked my arm away from her and made my way up to my room to see Janae watching T.V.

"Hey, so I was thinking-" but I cut her off. 

"Your parents are putting you in danger." I told her as she looked at me confusingly. 

"What?" she whispered as I sighed sitting on the bed. I pulled the picture out handing to her as she looked at it as she put her hands over her mouth. "Why do you have this?" she asked me. 

"S-So you know who that is?" I asked her as she nodded. 

"That looks like my mom younger sister. She told me that when she was 21 years old she was kidnapped and never found when she was like 14..." she trailed off as I shook my head.  "What's the matter?" she finished off as I sighed. 

"Apparently, your mother and father sold her off to the chinese mafia and are trying to get her back. They made a deal, and now they attempting to start a war between us to get her back." I finished off as she stood up from the bed. 

"Okay listen Damien. I don't know what kind of game your playing here but you dead ass you need to quit it. My mother loved her sister to death and what I will not sit here and do is sit here and say she sold them to a country for whatever reason. She told me that when her younger sister was 14  years old she was kidnapped and they never found the body." she calmly stated me as I sighed. 

"I know how that sounds but you have to hear me out okay? We just found a Japanese spy and he had this picture of your mom on him. We are just trying to be careful okay..." I told her walking over to her caressing her cheek as she grabbed my hand putting it to my side as I looked confusingly at her. 

"Okay, well let's say that it's true. My so called 'dead' aunt has been living in Japan all this time. What do they want to kidnap me just because they have my aunt?"  she asked me as I sighed sitting on the bed. 

"Since you guys are pretty high ranked in the Mafia, and your parents are causing a war that is not needed, whoever finds you dead or alive can get paid millions of dollars." I answered, she sat down on the bed, as I grabbed her hand. 

"I know this is a lot to take in, but you have to be strong okay? We are going to talk to your parents and if this is true we have to find a way to protect them. Even though they are going to be in a shit load of trouble.." I told her as she looked up at me. 

*Janae Williams POV*

"How much trouble could they be in?" I asked him as he sighed. 

"Well, they will have to pay a good amount of money and if they own any land it would be distributed through the other mafias." he told me as I grabbed my phone. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"I'm going to call them to see if it's true." I replied looking for my mom's contact as I clicked on it. I put it on speaker as I placed it on the bed, for both of us to hear. 

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