chapter thirty seven

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"Look here my princess"

"Raise your eyes a little my princess"

"Tilt your head to the right my princess"

"Smile my princess"

"Blink your eyes my princess"

"This dress is perfect for you my princess"

This girls were killing me...pulling here and there, applying make up here and there.. I was ready to explode at midday when they announced that they were done and they let me look into the mirror at my improved face...the make up made me look like a modern day dress was perfect like it was tailor made for me...don't even get me started on my had been styled to order words l was look breath taking..

A single tear slid down my right eye and l tried to blink the rest away...a maid quickly rushed over dabbing my tear away in a desperate effort not to ruin the make-up...

"Am destroying your masterpiece..."

She just smiled and nodded shyly at me..

"Thank you"...
I stood up and looked at the rest people that had contributed to my look...

"Thank you..all of you..thanks"
They smiled and nodded as they filed at a time...

I turned and looked into the mirror again, amazed at my looks..

"What is taking so----"
My mum stopped mid sentence when I turned over and she was struck dumb...her mouth formed into an o...l smiled as l addressed her...

"I know ... I know....l look so pretty...l can hardly believe it"

"You look ... Woooow"
I smiled as she walked over and threaded her hand into mine..pulling me..

"Come on...your guests are waiting.."
I smiled as we walked out of my room , out of the house.,..towards the huge pride Hall facing our house...walking into the day light that was already fading out..

I paused at the  big door suddenly feeling nervous...l quickly turned to my mum but before l could get a word out...she patted my arm and Said..

"You look wonderful dear..there is no need to get all worked are beautiful and you will take their breathe away..."

I signed as l visibly relaxed...I breathed in and out and clinged to my mum arm.,.she patted me again...quietly telling me to relaxe....l nodded to her telling her that l was ready to face everyone..

She pushed the door and lights suddenly assaulted my sensitive eyes, smells assaulted my super sensitive nose...faces became a blur as l tried to look at everyone ..trying to try and remember anyone...

My mum pulled me forward..people patted like the red sea  and we were moses with the staff...Bowing as my mum and l weaved through them...I saw the raised platform probably the makeshift stage and my dad was already standing there smiling at me and my was so evident in his eyes as he looked at his family...he waved us over, mum pulled my arm..urging me to go faster..l frowned but doubled my effort..lts not my fault that the gown that had been perfect for me was really a big barbie gown or wedding gown..

She helped me climb up as my dad walked over and kissed me...l smiled and walked up the parents right behind dad took the mic and greeted everyone..thanking them for coming and also told them of my present health state...urging them to be gentle with me..mostly the guys who were going to dance with dad stepped forward and curtsied...

"May l have this dance .."
He said...l mentally winced..l had to go down the steps again...this shoes though nice where killing me..l Have never been a fan of heels..

"Off course dad"
He took hold of my hand and presented me with a red we descended the steps...

We danced for a little while before dad handed me over to a guy l didn't know and frankly I didn't care but he introduced himself to be Cole and he tried to start up a conversation after handing me another rose.. Small talks here and there..l was just having fun..l had danced with about four people and my palms was getting sweaty from holding the roses and dancing that's  when the air changed around me...

l was suddenly restless...wanting the dance to end dance with my present partner..l think his name was Simeon was about to end when someone suddenly pulled me away from Simeon plastering me to his side...

I inhaled his wonderful scent and my cat immediately sat up...paying attention for once since I had  lost my memory...she hasn't been too present in my life.. My she-cat wanted to lick the man from head to toe like cream..his expensive tailor made suit screamed money...l could feel the raw power and authority emanating from him..and instead of angering my alpha she-cat, lt made her horny...

But still he had snatched me without permission from my partner...l pushed all this weird feeling .. Looking up to this annoying guy ready to tear him a new one that's when l saw his face...

My mystery man.
Meaning he was a vampire..

I tried to get out of his hold as he waltzed me around...but the more l struggled the more he pulled me into breast pressed against his hard chest...a chest l had held so many times in some of my dreams....I looked up to his amazing face and l wondered how can a man be so eyes unconsciously wandered down to see his hard long erection pressing against the zip of his trousers and my tongue darted out involuntarily as l licked my bottom lip...he groaned as if l was causing him trouble..

"If you do that one more time... I will not be held responsible for my actions because l will turn you over and fuck you against any hard surface"
He whispered into the my ear..licking the shell of my ear in the process...

. I shivered as liquid pooled from my core..wetting my panties...I clamped my legs was bad enough that only His words can turn me immensely on...l didn't want shifters to realize how horny l was just from dancing with this man..

"Ooh GOD .. How l missed you so much..l dreamed of you every night...fucking your perfect soft body..sliding in and out of that tight pussy of l used to"

More moisture soaked my panties..l was practically drenched...l clamped my legs tighter therefore making the dance more difficult for me..

"Who are you really and what are you doing here"

"What do you what am l doing your mate and husband..."..

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