Jealousy// Jealous! Maki x Fem! Reader

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Requested by @Calista240205

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"Pineapples are in my head..."

You were just trudging along the hallway, your earbuds wedged in your ears that played one of your favorite songs in full volume, when suddenly, you felt a hand grab onto your arm and you yelped as you were pulled into a secluded classroom.

A pair of arms then wrapped around your chest, immobilizing you at the spot. You felt someone bury their head on your shoulder and taking a whiff of your scent. You immediately realize who it was, seeing the lock of red hair that was locked in your vision.

"Maki-chan?" You questioned. The arms tighten even more. "What the heck are you doing?" You swept around immediately, making the younger girl release her hold.

"I saw you with Kotori earlier..." Maki started, twirling a loose strand of her red hair.

You arched an eyebrow. "And?"

Maki quickly directed her gaze to the ground, having the urge to look straight at your eyes had become quite daunting for her. "...And you two do I say this?" She mumbled. "You two looked quite 'lovey-dovey'"

Your lips pursed. "We were just...acting for Umi" Maki arched an eyebrow. "Well, it didn't look like acting to me..." You sighed; it appears to be that your girlfriend was jealous once again. You grabbed Maki's arm and pulled her towards you. Her face immediately flushes at the sudden action and as she was about escape, you wrapped your free arm around her waist.

"Where do you think you're going?" You growled softly as you lift up her chin with a finger. Before Maki could say anything, you suddenly went for it and gave your girlfriend a deep and passionate kiss.

Maki's eyes widen in shock, but soon recovers. You but her bottom lip, asking for entrance and she obliges, she opens her mouth slightly and your tongue quickly slither in. You hear the red-haired girl moan as your tongue explored every bit of her wet canal, leaving not one spot untouched. You hear the red-head moan loudly, which excites you even more. Your hand subconsciously slipped inside Maki's shirt, reaching towards her perky nubs. But before you could, she pushed you off of her, stopping you and the kiss.

"What's the big deal?" You asked as you rubbed your shoulder which ached slightly from the force.

"We can only do that at home"Maki sighed. A smirk then settles on your features.

"Hungry are we~" you cooed, making Maki blush a deep shade or red that was darker than her hair.

The two of you went silent for a little while, before Maki interwove her fingers with yours. "(Y-Y/N)" She started. "I love you, and uh...s-sorry" You smiled and pulled the girl into a tight embrace.

"Love ya' too~" Then you kissed her forehead as she snuggles into your warmth.

(A/N: Imma be in hiatus in a lil while as I have some important projects to finish)

Next up: µ's x 'Savior'! Fem! Reader

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