Show Me// Kotori x Fem! Futa! Reader

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Requested by: @Anime_Centre03

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expect OOC


"Come here for a moment, (Y/N)-chan" Your girlfriend, Kotori motions for you to take a seat on the couch beside her. Obediently, you complied, and as your figure ever-so-slowly sank beneath the comfort of your couch, Kotori wrapped her hands around your waist.

"(Y/n)-chan, didn't I tell you to come back an hour ago?" Kotori spoke, her soft, tittering voice entering your ears, a voice that always would lull you into a state of tranquility and calmness. It was always her beautiful voice that could always subside the exhaustion you would gain after long hours at work.

A sheepish laugh escaped from you, your eyes darting around the room to avoid looking at your girlfriend. "I-I...had to m-meet up with Himura-sensei and E-Eli-chan" You stammer, nervously rubbing the back of your head, feeling the penetrative glare that could have been able to bore a hole in your head.

Kotori's lingering gaze soften as she heard you mention those two names, names she had familiarized with long ago. A small, yet content sigh fell from her lips. "Be right back, I need to go check up on something" She unlatches you from her tender hold, and gets off the couch. You could only give a meek nod as you watched the shorter girl exit the room.

Even though you came back from an extensive day at work, you couldn't help but feel...aroused for some ridiculous reason. 'Damn, I forgot I get like this whenever I'm exhausted"A sudden thought about Kotori came into your weakened mind.

Blood gushed northward, towards your cheeks as you rubbed your head again to distract yourself from thinking lewd thoughts. You cursed at yourself, feeling your pants getting cramped with each second.

"Hmmm~? It seems you're enjoying yourself there" You heard a familiar voice calling out from across the room. 'Oh shi-'

Kotori stood in the doorway, a seductive smirk forming on her features. "Excited, are we?" Before you could reply, she ran towards you and pressed her lips against your's, pushing you down to the couch.

Kotori bit your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You reluctantly opened your mouth but being uncharacteristically impatient, Kotori quickly moved her tongue inside your mouth. The two of you fought for dominance, a fight you subsequentially lost. Your partner wasted no time exploring every bit of your mouth, leaving nothing untouched.

Deep in an aroused-like trance, you unknowingly allowed Kotori to undress you. First, it was your pants, and then your jacket, and now you were left with an unbuttoned shirt and underwear that was barely suppressing your stiff cock.

"I need you..."  Kotori spoke against your lips, feeling her husky, warm breath. Your face erupted into color, hearing those lustful words, you broke away from contact, a thin line of saliva forming between the two of you. Kotori was being straightforward, something you were quite baffled and confused about, and honestly concerned you, as you knew that she wasn't that type. Just as you were about to push her away, you saw something in her golden hues that made you stop and consider.

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