What would you offer for their freedom?// µ's x Fem! Reader [1]

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You sprang awake.

And you found yourself in a dark and damp place, where the air stank like rotting corpses. Broken chains that were covered in weird black fluid rattled above you, a noise you could describe as very annoying. You shivered, despite the room to be quite warm to your liking.

You stumbled up to your feet and decided to feel the walls to find the light switch. However, before you took a meter from your spot, your hand touched a sticky substance that was splattered against the wall. You held your hand just below your nose and took a sniff.

"Wait a minute..." Your eyes widen as you recognized that metallic tang in the scent. "Blood!?" You backed away immediately, tripping over a chain and toppling to the ground. Your chest rose and fell harshly as you stared at the wall with eyes lurched open in shock and disgust.

Where the hell am I? What the hell's going on? You hear a groan and a clatter of chains from your left. You swept your head to the left. Having your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, you could perfectly see a silhouette sitting against a cubic block that was erected in the middle of the room. Looks like you weren't alone.

All of a sudden, a blinding light surged out from above you, and a shrill voice could be heard from everywhere around you.

"Oh, won't ya look at that! One of the lil' doves has finally woken up!" Your eyes finally got accustomed to the light and you could now take a good look at your surroundings. And what you saw was utterly nauseating. Windowless, metal walls enclosed you in a tight space, hard and cold to the touch. The floor appeared to be made out of the same material as the walls, except looked much older and definitely grimier, blotched by blood- both fresh and old- that was literally splattered everywhere.

Your gaze then directed to nine figures that were passed out on the floor. You squint your eyes, and your mouth fell agape as you realize who they were upon closer examination. They were none other than the nine members of the school idol group; µ's.

Even though you were probably involved in some kidnapping, you couldn't help but fangirl, after all, you were a huge fan. One by one, they were aroused from their slumber, loud groaning and yawns immediately filled the tiny room.

"And it looks like all of them are gonna wake up soon!" The voice came again. By that point, everyone had finally woken up and were looking around the room.

"I-is that b-blood!?" The cat-like member of the group; Rin, exclaimed before backing away and bumping into you. "Nya!?"

You fell again and landed on the ground with a soft thud. It was enough to get their attention as they whipped their head around to inspect.

"Hey, there's somebody else with us" You could recognised that voice us Eli's, even in your disorientated state.

"Ah? Eh?!"

"Y'know, Kousaka-san, you don't have to yell in my ear" You chuckled as you swatted some dust away from your (F/C) hoodie.

"Oh sorry-" Honoka's eyes suddenly widen to the size of dinner plates as she realised what you had said. "Wait a minute, how did you know my name?"

You sighed. You forgot that the leader of µ's was somewhat dimwitted, a fact you learned from a website that was dedicated to providing information and facts about school idol groups in Japan; though it was creepy, it was actually quite useful in a way. "You're the leader of µ's, right? That school idol group that's been pretty popular lately?"

"Oh...oh yeah!" Honoka gave a sheepish grin. "Hahaha, sorry about that, my mind blanked for a moment" She extended her hand towards you.

"It's no problem" You answered as you accepted Honoka's hand and pulled yourself up with her help. As you were finally up from the ground, you decided to initiate a conversation with them. "Anyways, have you guys got any ideas where we are right now and what the hell is going on?"

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