Breakfast// Mari x Futa! Fem! Reader (L)

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It was early morning, and (Y/N)'s stomach was screaming for food.

(Y/N) dragged her feet wearily across the wooden floorboards as she trudged for the dining room, where hopefully her girlfriend would be cooking breakfast.

She entered the dining room, eager to greet your girlfriend; Mari, the smell of bacon and toast immediately engulfed her nose. "G'morning-...?!" Her words died in her throat, (E/C) eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. (Y/N) froze in place, unconsciously aware of the flag rising in your pants- (what)

Mari was standing in the counter, back towards (Y/N), her long blonde hair flowing freely from behind, and half-naked, wearing nothing but a purple apron. (Y/N) swallowed- hard- as Mari turned to her.

"Y'know if you stopped staring at me for a sec you could eat your breakfast" Mari gave a seductive smirk as she placed a plate filled with steaming hot bacon and eggs into the wooden table in front of (Y/N).

"I-...yeah, of c-course" She said, sliding down to sit at the nearest chair. (Y/N) tried to avert her gaze to the delicious contents, but even the lure of hunger and delicious food was not enough, as her eyes were already locked in place on Mari's curves. The latter's hips were swaying gently from side-to-side in a hypnotic manner, and (Y/N) had begun to wonder whether Mari was teasing her, maybe even enticing her. Mari's creamy, smooth skin, still bore faint marks of scratches on her back, and was that a hickey on her thigh? Remnants of the night before flooded through (Y/N)'s mind. The unnecessary roughness. Intense make outs. All those wonderful noises Mari uttered. Drops of sweat rolled down (Y/N)'s forehead, blood flowing southward as images of her her mouth sucking sweetly on Mari's neck, her naked, bare back displayed before her as she thrusted relentlessly-...

(Y/N) was lost in her fantasy that she hadn't notice that she had placed her hands onto Mari's hips, her mouth on her neck, shorts half-way down letting her stiff, throbbing cock slide between her lover's thighs. Mari paused, a soft gasp escaped her lips as (Y/N)'s shaft brushed against her clit. "H-Hey, Not now, I'm still busy making-"

One of (Y/N)'s hands left Mari's waist, slid under the apron and felt all over. Her hand eventually groped Mari's  breast, making her moan. "Mmm..." (Y/N) thrusted a couple of times, shivering as she felt Mari's warm juices dripping onto her shaft. She pulled back slightly, lining the head up with Mari's entrance, and without saying anything, smoothly sheathing herself inside without any problems.

Mari whimpered. As anticipated, it was a tight fit, her walls squeezed against (Y/N)'s cock. She could never get use to this, despite how pleasurable the experience was. Slowly, making sure not to hurt her partner, she pulled out a little, before slowly going back in, and she kept on doing that, starting out in a gentle pace, as she peppered the girl beneath her with small kisses and live bites. Mari let out soft moans, as she barely supported herself on the counter. She moaned even louder, feeling (Y/N)'s hands groping her rounded breast, her index finger squeezing her her perky nipples. She started to thrust slightly faster than before, her mind starting to cloud with indecent thoughts. And yet, she could still hear those cute, tiny whimpers and cries of "Yes, more, faster" coming from Mari herself, (Y/N) didn't hesitate to go even faster, feeling her climax starting to build up.

"(Y-Y/N)...please...come inside..." Mari had shoved her chopping board aside, making room for herself to rest upon. Her face, a scarlet shade; her hair, sticking onto her naked skin. (Y/N) continued to ram herself against Yes Mari, letting out an animalistic growl. She had given up at being gentle and was now slamming herself forcefully into Mari, her arms already letting go of her breasts and were now wrapped against the latter, keeping her close and secured.

"M-Mari, I...I t-think I'm gonna-" (Y/N) was brought to her peak. A long and shaky moan forced themselves out from her mouth, as her cock released loads of her hot, thick seed inside Mari.

Mari herself was also brought to her climax, her body shuddering as her juices splashed against (Y/N)'s shaft. "(Y-Y/N)..."

The couple stayed like that for a couple of moments, (Y/N) lazily kissing Mari's shoulder, before she pulled out and turned Mari around to face her. She smirked as she saw how beet-red and sweaty her girlfriend's face had become, and the hazy expression that formed on her features. Then, she quickly leaned down for a kiss, which was eagerly returned back.

"You haven't ate your breakfast yet" Mari smiled against the kiss.

"...You sure about that?" (Y/N) retorted, earning a small slap to the shoulder.

"Dirty jokes ain't gonna do you good hun~" Mari said in a very smug fashion, something that made (Y/N) chuckle since she never heard Mari speak in that way.

"Whatever, let's go eat now, I can smell the bacon"

"Fine, I'll go finish cooking, so go and wait at the table, kay~?" Mari said, gently pushing (Y/N) off of her. (Y/N) laughed, before walking over to the table and plopping herself down on the same old chair. As she did, she found herself unable to stop smiling.

It was nice to have this feeling of warmth inside from time-to-time, you could guess.


is it normal to have your nose bleeding right now?

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