Elegy// Chika x Quiet! Fem! Reader

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(I rewrote some bits in the middle, you probably won't notice it)
This oneshot was based of a vocaloid song, like my first oneshot. If you can guess the name of the song I'll give you a cookie.

I have a problem writing depressing oneshots

Requested by @wingssz


There's this girl I know at school, who's always unusually quiet. She's so quiet that no one really notices her.

Her name is (Y/N), (L/N) (Y/N). I didn't know that was her name until I actually tried talking to her.

Now, how should I describe her? Well let's just say she's beautiful like a goddess. With the most (E/C) eyes, and most lustrous, (H/C) hair I've ever laid eyes on. She always had these neutral look on her face; not once have I've ever seen her smile. I would do anything just to see one on her pretty face.

I was very lucky to have easily befriended her the first time we met, having we had the same interests with school idols. Each time we met, I never realised just how much I loved her, I was too naive and foolish to even notice my own feelings. Until Yoshiko and Riko, those two love birds who saw my desperation, and provided me the help and advice I needed.

I wrote (Y/N) a letter- a love letter to be exact- containing all my feelings and words I wanted to say to her; of course, with Riko's help since I'm bad with poetic words.

I told her to meet me on the roof top at school, after one of Aquors practice. She said yes.

Of course I was nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be? Confessing their feelings to someone; butterflies in your stomach, getting the feeling as if a huge wave of anxiety crashed onto you. That was how it felt.

Hours past by and it was the end of the day. I waited for her at the rooftop, clutching onto the letter meant for her, as if my entire hopes and dreams depended on it. Well it did, but that's another topic.

She came, she did. But as soon as Set her eyes upon the little, pink letter. Things went utterly


She started shouting at me, saying words I didn't expect to come out of her own mouth. We began to argue, with her acting as if she denied all of this. We were so caught up in our argument that I did not realise the envelope had slipped out from my hands. The wind carried it over the edge; (Y/N) noticed it.

She ran after it, ignoring my pleas to come back. She climbed up the ledge that seperate you from falling, and reached out for the envelope that was already floating out from arm's reach. And suddenly, without warning. (Y/N) fell off the edge to her

d e a t h. . .

You could hear the loud splat as she landed on the frigid ground, blood splattered across the cold greyness. The envelope, landing softly at the puddle of blood.

She didn't survive, as obvious much. That dwindling tiny spark of hope of her still being alive, smiling, laughing- doused by the waters of reality and fate.

A funeral was held for her, not that much people came- so much of her relatives were too busy or

d i d n ' t r e a l l y c a r e. . .

Ever since then, people would often describe me as a cold, emotionless person, unlike the cheerful self I was back before then, before (Y/N) fell. Aquors tried to cheer me up, even as hard as they tried. It would never work. All that could make me happy, was gazing at the empty desk beside me, where (Y/N) would sit and spend her days, drawing her 'original characters', characters she wished to be part of an 'anime' or novel series in the future. A future that never came to be. Now all that's left on that desk, is a single white lily, and tiny glimpses of memories of her.

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