Is it love?// Dia x Kitsune! Fem! Reader [3]

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The third part, enjoy!


The morning sun had risen hours ago. Riko had left her home to go to a place called 'school', and her mom left for 'work', leaving me in the vicinity.

I'm alone now, can I can tell you this, it's definitely boring. The silence was deafening. It was if time had stopped and everything stood in place, frozen.

It's been two weeks since Dia and her group of friends rescued me, and I got to say, my feelings for her have not died down, even when as I tried to douse it down. There was something about her that made my heart quicken in such rate and made me quite warm inside. No...I promised to myself not to play around the game of love ever since...

But she was beautiful and was kinder to me than any human ever was, that smile of her's that was infectious like a disease, that touch of her's that made me tingle. I will probably do it...

I sat on the doorstep of the front door Sakurauchi Household, I promised them that I would guard their home until they came back. Earlier, members of that group that found me in my injured state passed me by and each gave me greetings. But then Dia came with Ruby, and we proceeded to converse immensely about school idols before Ruby stated that they were late and decided to drag her out of here. The whole time I noticed her blushing and she stuttered on few of sentences; was she sick?

Eh, I really wanna go to their school right now. Who knows, could be fun,


Yeah, you know what, I'm gonna go.

I shifted into a slightly smaller version of my fox form. I looked at Riko's house for a moment, before taking off for the seemingly empty streets.

I slowly padded alongside the sidewalks, taking the moment to enjoy the breathtaking scenery before me. The sky was riddled with thin wisps of clouds. Birds hovered slightly overhead. The sun's glorious rays shone with eagerness. And the sea's harmonious tides crashed against the honey-gold shores. As a kitsune, I've never really explored much of the open world, all my life had been spent protecting that temple, which gets boring easily.

People passed me by- literally. Their bodies went through my figure as if I was a specter; they couldn't see me as well as they continued chatting without questioning the weird (H/C)-furred, six-tailed fox walking around in broad daylight.

After minutes of wandering around town, I found the place I was looking for; Uranohoshi High School.

I saw groups of people entering the area, chatting amongst themselves. I quietly slipped past the gates as it proceeded to be closed, almost having my tails be nipped.

Oh I can't wait to see the other's reaction when they see me!


No one's POV

Dia was having quite a rough day.

Not only was she late for school- which was bad for her image as the student council president- but news of the water levels having made no signs of going down had weighed her spirits down, and most importantly, she embarrassed herself in front of (Y/N).

Her fellow classmates were wondering why their ever-stoic president appeared downcast, which added to Dia's annoyance quite greatly. The menacing aura she was giving off, made her unable to be approached and thus, the questionable mood she was in was left unanswered.

'Ugh, why did I stutter?'

"Oi, Dia, are you ok?" Kanan approached her in a cautious manner. Though she already knew half of the reason, having witnessing the affair between Dia and the kitsune; (Y/N), she was determined to learn that there was something more.

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