Conversations With Darquesse

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So this is the first fanfic I ever wrote ever. Like, EVER ever. Unedited (asides from the A/N), so there's probably a few mistakes. It's set just after Kingdom of the Wicked. Anyway, enjoy!

- Cait (redivysparrow) x

Hey Valkyrie.

Valkyrie punched her opponent and spun round, started running.

I think we should have a chat.

She could hear his running footsteps, gaining on her. "Go away."

Now, there's no need to be nasty...

"Go away, Darquesse. I don't have time for you right now. Go away or I'll..."

She took a left, kept going.

What will you do? Valkyrie, what are you going to do to yourself? We're the same person you know, you and I. And those visions, they might not be true. I have so much power. We, have so much power. We could use it to do good. We could save the world Valkyrie. We could be a hero.

"You're a liar."

I get it from you. But just think of that power. You love that power, don't you? Of course you do! You love being able to fly. It would take ages for Skulduggery to teach you using elemental magic. But me? I could show you how to do anything. But I'd need control to do it.

"I don't need your power. I don't want it."

I was wrong. I don't get it from you. You're awful at it. I don't know how you kept the vampire a secret for so long.

She sprinted along the corridor, came to a dead end. Valkyrie cursed.

He's gaining on you. Turn around. Good girl. No, hit, ah, well done. Now run.

She jumped over the man, lying on the ground, and ran back along the corridor. She looked back. He was up again. Any other opponent would be knocked unconscious. Apparently this one was too stubborn.

She came to a set of doors, leading to a stairwell. She ran through.

The man was up when she had last seen him, which meant she had slowed him down-


-or he was coming from a different direction.

The man came from above and landed in front of her.

Before she could even attempt to run, he moved, went low, which turned out to be a faint, and grabbed her. The world tilted.

Ooh! Get up. Come on, get up. He's bending down. Get up now Valkyrie.

Valkyrie moaned. He dragged her to the landing, tried to pull her up by her hair. When that didn't work, he grabbed her, lifted her, and threw her down the stairs.

She hit the stone floor and screamed.

Ouch. That was a sore one, wasn't it? Now get up.

She clambered to her feet, wincing as every movement sent daggers of white hot pain going through her.

Now, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, I was saying how we are such a great team. And that the power that I... we have is incredible. But we can only use it when I'm in charge, now can't we?

"Stop it." Valkyrie managed to say.

Stop what? Now, we're going to have to work together here. It's obvious you're going to just be stubborn, and I'm okay with that. You'll give in eventually. So, until then, we need to keep you alive. So, you're going to do what I say.

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