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[2021 NOTE: This was written in 2017 when I was a Valduggery shipper. If that's your thing then cool, if not give this a skip! Either way, there won't be any more Valdug content from me as I no longer ship them.]


They were sitting on the couch. Skulduggery was reading over a case and Valkyrie was pretending to be busy. She wasn't. She was doodling instead.

"It just doesn't make sense," he muttered, turning a page over.

She glanced up at him.

"Quit complaining. You'll get it," she said. "You always do."

He turned his head to her, and tilted it sideways. "You could help. What are you doing anyway?"

She sighed. "Doodling."

"Can I see?"

Valkyrie sharply pulled the book into her chest. "No," she snapped. "It's not finished."

Skulduggery muttered something and went back to reading. Valkyrie went back to doodling. She paused, then wrote something. Valkyrie placed the book down onto her lap, and the pencil onto the coffee table.

"Hey," she said. "I'm going on a-"

Skulduggery's head snapped round. "I've got it," he said.

"Got what?"

"I've figured it out. Just there. I know, I know, I'm-"

"A genius of many proportions, a truly wonderful detective? I've heard it all before, so save it."

Skulduggery paused. "While I'm slightly hurt by your dismissive attitude toward my achievements, I'm going to simply brush it off. Let's go. If we're quick we can file this and get straight to-"

"I can't go out tonight," she told him. "Tan and I are celebrating. She's moving into her new place today."

"I know she is," Skulduggery said. "But she's over ninety years old, she can celebrate herself."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"But I need you with me," he said.

Valkyrie paused, and took a breath. "Tough."

Skulduggery groaned. "Fine," he grumbled. "But tomorrow-"

"Can't do tomorrow either."


She sighed. "I know. China's party. She wants to buy the decorations herself because apparently Tipstaff's useless at that kind of thing and she wants me to go with her."

"And you said yes?"

"It's China! She's scary."

Skulduggery tilted his head.

"And I may have forgotten to buy Mum a birthday present so when the opportunity arises..." She shrugged.

He chuckled. "Ok, whatever. But on-"

"On Wednesday I'm babysitting for mum and dad - you can come if you want - and on Thursday I'm going on a date, which is what I was going to tell you before you interrupted with your brilliance."

"I am brilliant."


There was a pause.

"Who's your date with?" Skulduggery asked.

Valkyrie smirked. "Scapegrace."

Skulduggery recoiled - actually recoiled - and stared at her.

"Okay," she said, laughing, "that part was a joke. But I am going on a date."

"With who?"

"Why d'you want to know?"

He paused. "Just asking," he responded slowly.

"You sure?"


"Okay," she smiled. Valkyrie went to get up but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back down. Her smile widened.

"So...?" he asked.

"You wouldn't know him. I don't think so anyway."

"Try me."

"Okay... So, he's not... like other guys, you know?"

"On second thoughts, you're sounding a lot like one of the horrific movies you made me watch with you. No thanks. Go away."

She smirked, leaned back and lay her head on his shoulder. Valkyrie sighed. "He really is different. He's pretty annoying, and his ego's the size of the sun, but I'll tell you a secret."

"And what's that?"

"I kind of like it. He's stylish - always looks really good - and he's funny. He's brave, and obnoxious but to me he's... a hero. Everyone else seems to hate him, but... I like him. I think he likes me too."

"That's lovely," Skulduggery muttered. "And where are you going on this date?"

"Well," she responded, turning round to face him. "He's going to pick me up after work and we're going to go for food - if he knows me like I think he does he'll know where to go. Then we're going to sit at the edge of the pier and talk about things that aren't to do with work or magic. He's going to offer me coat when it gets dark - like he always does - and I'll know that's my cue to kiss him because I haven't stopped thinking about it for years. Even back when I was dating Fletcher."

"And this is your first date?"

Valkyrie laughed and was about to respond when the doorbell rand. "That'll be Tan now," she said, standing. "I'll see you-"

Skulduggery also stood, blocking her exit. "I didn't get a name," he said.

She nodded down at the book and Skulduggery hesitated, then bent down and picked it up. He turned it over, and read the name written there. Valkyrie watched him as he put the book back down and tilted his head.

They stood like that, for a moment.

"I mean," Skulduggery said slowly. "I'm not going to say no."

"That's nice of you."

"But you could've just asked."

"But making you think I was going on a date with Scapegrace was pretty funny."

"It was a sincere moment of panic."

She grinned. "Glad to see you're so concerned for my health."

Skulduggery looked at her. "So, what now?"

"Well Tanith's here."


"And that means I have to go, Skulduggery. That's generally how it works when someone picks you up. I'd say we have about thirty seconds until she kicks the door down."



"Because I won't get to kiss you before you go."

She raised an eyebrow. "It's a good thirty seconds, you know."

He tapped the symbols on his collarbones and a false face flowed up and Valkyrie smiled. He put an arm around her waist and pulled her in close and then he kissed her and Valkyrie kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and his hold on her waist tightened.

And then the doorbell rang again and she moved, swapping their positions so her back was in the direction of the hall. She pulled back, out of breath. "I... Uh... I have to go," she managed, trying her best to pull herelf together and get her brain back in gear. She started walking to the arch and then turned and tapped the symbols on his collarbones, watching as Skulduggery's façade flowed away, revealing the skeleton beneath. Valkyrie kissed him, and smiled against his teeth. Then she pulled back.

"I'll see you Thursday," she smirked.

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