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    A harsh knocking on my bedroom door made me jump up and warily stare at the door. The knob turned and Lord Voldemort entered.
"Ah my dear daughter! Look how beautiful you've gotten. Now can you see that I might not be lying about our relations?" He smiled down at me with as much might I say caring emotion that I had ever seen on his face as he walked around my bed. He then turned sharply around and stared right into my eyes.
"Also. As you are my daughter I will not be having you use the filthy muggle name of Hermione Granger. Your name is Katrina Emma Riddle. That is the name you will use. That is the name you will answer to. That is your name." It felt like he was almost searing holes into me with his penetrating dark blood red eyes.
"Let me go! I hate you! I despise you." I cry and shy my gaze away from him.
"Let you go? But we've only just gotten acquainted as family! But anyway come, come dear daughter as I have something planned for you. I have invited all my loyal Death Eaters, come along we mustn't keep them waiting, they all are very excited to meet you, the Dark Princess." He said with a condescending like tone.
My heart dropped and began to race as I thought about what that event probably was as I followed him down the hallway flanked by two of his Death Eaters. I couldn't become a Death Eater. I think I'd rather die than become so.
"Death Eaters! Please I am very pleased to introduce you to my daughter, Katrina Emma Riddle. You will respect her. You will do nothing to harm her. You will do nothing involving her with out my specific permission! Hear me?" He almost growled at them.
A hushed murmur of "Yes my Lord. Of course my Lord." was heard from the crowd of dark robed Death Eaters.
"Now. As she is my daughter of course she too needs to become a Death Eater and fully become a part of us. Hold our your arm!" He stared at me and grabbed my left (plz correct me if that's wrong) arm. I began to feel a sense of excitement taking over my body. What was wrong with me? I quickly replaced it with a sense of fear. It was like these new powers had taken over my body. I started to feel extremely scared. I needed to stay strong. Resist the urge of the Dark Side. I was Hermione. Not Katrina.
Voldemort placed his wand upon my arm and murmured a spell and a burning searing pain rushed throughout my body. I would call it the worst pain I had ever felt if I hadn't gone through my transformation the night before. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes.
"Please welcome our newest Death Eater, your Dark Princess!" Voldemort boomed. The crowd bowed their heads to me and clapped. I didn't want to but I looked at my arm anyway. There on my forearm was a Dark Mark. On my body forever. I felt extremely nauseous.
"Now my daughter I have business to attend to. Nothing that involves you. Get to know Draco, he's your age, perfect husband. I know how you had a little bit of bad luck with previous husband." He laughed throwing me back into my bedroom.
Now with everything that had recently happened, to bring me back to Ron too? That was my breaking point. I started screaming, running around the room. I wanted, I wanted my wand. I wanted to make something explode. Burn. I wanted to kill Voldemort. I stared angrily at the first thing my gaze came upon a large vanity.
With a bang it erupted in a cloud of smoke leaving behind a pile of broken shards of glass and wood. I gasped.
"Wow. Lord Voldemort mentioned you had gone through a transformation and gotten new powers but wow."
I whirled around noticing for the first time that Draco Malfoy sitting in the corner. Right. I was supposed to get to know himself. Because apparently I can't find. A good. Enough. Husband of my own! I screamed again and was about to find a new thing to make explode but Malfoy rushed at me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Please. Calm down! If you're not careful you could easily kill both of us." He said nervously.
"Why? Who cares?! My fiancé ditched me for a world famous gorgeous model,  I got kidnapped by Lord Voldemort who's supposed to be dead, and who I just recently started feeling safe from, and apparently I'm his freaking daughter, went through an incredibly painful transformation, just got a Dark Mark which wasn't the best feeling either and I don't know if I'll ever see my friends and family again!!" I scream at him.
  He backs off a little." Wow. Alexander and his terrible awful no rotten day have nothing on you. But just remember you not the only one hurt by Ron and Jocelyn's relationship. I really thought Jocelyn was the one. I was about to propose."
  "Oh. Right. I'm really sorry about that." I say remembering that he had also been mentioned in the newspaper article I had read.
   "So obviously here is the last place you want to be. But if you ever want to see Hogwarts and your friends again you have to suck up. Act like you love him and have fully gone over to the Dark Side. Well I'm assuming you want to go back to Hogwarts for a redo of our eighth year." He said looking at me.
   Redoing our eighth year. It had completely slipped my mind. A couple days ago it was the thing I had been looking forward to after my wedding. Of course I didn't need the classes, but I had gotten a letter from Professor McGonagall asking if I might come anyway, just for fun and act like a teacher's helper in all my classes. I thought about what Malfoy had just said. I did desperately want to go back to Hogwarts. Just get out of here.
   "Okay. That makes sense. I'll do it. Suck up. I have to get out of here." I said finally looking back at him.
   "I'll help you. Try to convince him that you've gone over to the Dark Side."
    "Why what?"
     "Why are you helping me?"
      "Because it's like Azkaban in here. You need a friend or you'll go crazy." He said with a faint smile on his face as he looked at me.

Granger to Riddle (edited)Where stories live. Discover now