- FOUR -

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"Darling daughter! Get up! It's time for school shopping!" Voldemort trills as he enters my room. It had been a week since I had come to Malfoy Manor and I was sucking up, keeping a low profile and doing everything and anything Dark. It seemed like it was working because he seemed to trust me more, letting me out of my room at time and now finally letting me go to Diagon Alley!
  "Now obviously I don't think you need it, but I'm going to have to have two of my Death Eaters follow you and Draco around. They shouldn't bother you, unless of course you have a change of heart and try and escape. Here's some money.. and have fun!" 'Father' (as I hated calling him that) said as he sweeped back out of my room.
  "Malfooooyyy!" I yelled heading out my room and immediately almost crashed into him heading down the stairs.
   "Good, now we can go." He said says briskly. He leaned in close as he whispered "Too bad we got Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum following us" referring to the two black cloaked men behind him.
   I laughed as I went to the fireplace and yelled my location while throwing green Floo powder into the fire. I stepped in and was off whooshing through the network of fireplaces. I did have the ability the apparate but Voldemort didn't let me for fear of me escaping. Even though I now could perform wand less magic he had put some of lock on my magic so that I was basically a Muggle. I felt that though after practicing and controlling my new powers someday I would definitely be able to overshadow his powers.
  "So where to first?" I asked marveling at my surroundings happy to be finally out of Malfoy Manor.
"Up to you." Malfoy said looking back at me. He didn't really call me by any name. He used to almost keep calling me Granger but quickly realized he couldn't do that with out pissing off Voldemort. It was a little hard for him to get by without him calling me anything but I was grateful he didn't call me Katrina. Katrina was not me. I was Hermione. I needed to hold onto that. Hold on to myself and not let Katrina take over me and turn me to the Dark Side.
  "Hmmm." I said turning my attention back to shopping. I pulled out our school supplies list and studied it. I was taking most of the classes the average seventh year, mainly as fun and to see my friends again and to get to be in the graduation ceremony as our actual seventh year hadn't gone over so well with the battle and the fake I guess death of Voldemort. I was also taking a couple of sixth year level classes as a teacher's helper.
  "How about we get our books first?" I said.
   "Sounds good." Malfoy agreed as we made our way to Flourish & Blotts. (That's the name of the bookstore? I'm sorry guys my Harry Potter knowledge is failing me, I haven't read the books in a while)
   We stepped inside the store causing bells to jangle softly. The aroma of old books hit my nose as we walked in and I took a deep breathe. Bookstores were definitely near the top of my list of favorite places. Right up there with libraries.
   "Oh!" Malfoy drew in a sharp breathe as he entered. I followed his gaze and let out a small gasp as well. There in a small group was Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Mrs. Weasley. My heart wrenched for many different reasons. I hadn't seen Ron since we broke our engagement. I actually hadn't seen the rest of them in almost a month. My heart hurt so much I almost started crying. I startled as Malfoy drew in near to me.
  "Shhh ignore them. Let's just get our books and leave. I know you want to rush over there but that will only cause trouble as we have our two lovely friends behind us." He whispered in my ear guiding me past the Weasley group into the schoolbook section.
   We picked out our schoolbooks and the rest of the trip had almost ended without any more complications until we saw Harry and friends, walking up the street as we were about to leave.
   "Quick quick, we need to go!" I said urgently pulling on Malfoys arm. Too late though, Ron had already spotted us and was heading over.
   "Hello Malfoy, who's your little girlfriend? Is she blind, or how in the world did you convince her to get with a guy like you?" Ron drawled out very obviously looking me over. Oh the things I wanted to do to him! And none of them were good.
   "Ginny. Potter." Malfoy nodded to each of them ignoring Ron and his comment.
"Gotten rid of Jocelyn then have you?" Harry said looking over at me as well. Malfoy narrowed his eyes at that comment looking between Ron and Harry. Wait. Did, did Harry know that Ron had broken our engagement and had been hooking up with Jocelyn Monroe (Malfoy's ex girlfriend)?
"What about your little girlfriend Weasel? Gotten rid of her?" Malfoy seemed too curious as I on what Ron had told Harry and the rest of his family.
"She's been missing! Nobody has seen her for almost a week!" Ginny finally added to the conversation. "Ron here was the last to see her. When was the last time you contacted with her again?"
"Oh. Er, we were supposed to meet for coffee about a week ago and she just never showed up." Ron said nervously pulling at his shirt collar.
"It's just dreadful! And so soon before their wedding. I was really looking forward to being a bridesmaid. I really miss Hermione, I hope she comes home soon." Ginny said sadly. I was torn between wanting to sob and talk to Ginny and wanting to inflict harm on Ron. My battling emotions were bubbling over and I needed to get out of there. I pulled on Draco's arm hoping to relay that message. He seemed to get it and said goodbye to Harry and the Weasleys and we quickly went back to Malfoy Manor. Which was only slightly better than being with Harry, Ginny & Ron.

A couple hours later- Weasley Family Brunch (Molly, Arthur, Percy, Fred (right twin? My Harry Potter knowledge is tweaking), Harry, Ginny & Ron) - 3rd Person

"Pass the peas, honey." Ginny said to Harry smiling at him. It had been three months since Harry had asked her out on their first date, and this had been one of the best summers of her life. Well until about a week ago when her best friend had vanished into thin air.
"So how was your shopping trip? Get everything you need?" Mr. Weasley asked breaking into Ginny's thoughts.
   "Yes darling. It was a pretty standard uneventful back to school shopping trip. Right kids?" Mrs. Weasley smiled down the table at the younger ones of the group, not having been present during the confrontation with Draco Malfoy.
   "Not exactly. We ran into Draco Malfoy." Harry said darkly staring down at his chicken and peas. Mrs. & Mr. Weasley both looked at him startled by this news.
  "Yeah, with his new girlfriend. I guess he dropped his model one." Ginny added in.
   "Huh. I didn't know that. Not that I read that kind of thing anyway in the paper, had anyone else realized we haven't been getting any of our mail for the past week?" Mrs. Weasley looked around at all her kids. Ron turned a slight shade of pink and he slid a little bit down his chair.
   "I've noticed that too. One of my coworkers was about to throw his copy of the Daily Prophet away so I brought it home for you. It's a couple days old I hope you don't mind." Arthur said handing his wife a slightly crumpled newspaper from his bag.
  "No, no that's fine. Hopefully I'll get a little caught up on the current events." Molly said as she unfolded the paper. No one noticed Ron, as his nervous eyes flitted from door to door planning out the best escape route of his face turning redder and redder.
  "Ronald Weasley, part of the Golden Trio and war hero, was seen dancing with model Jocelyn Monroe at the local bar. We wonder what Ron's fiancée Hermione Granger is thinking. Or Jocelyn's boyfriend Draco Malfoy??!" Molly let out a loud gasp as she read the first headline out loud. "Ronald Weasley! Please explain yourself!! Is this why Hermione is missing?!"
"No! No, no I swear I haven't seen in a week just like the rest of you!" Ron backed away from his outraged mother.
"That still doesn't explain this headline!! You cheated on Hermione?!" Ginny shrieked rounding on Rom from the other side.
"I.. I. She..I." Ron looked from his mother to his sister trying to save himself.
"Son, I think you better sit down and tell us the full story." Arthur said calmly but even he showed disappointment in his eyes. Ron took a big gulp of air and nervously started his story.
"So, um a couple weeks ago I was at a bar with a couple of friends, just hanging out you know? And so we head over to the dance floor, and I see Jocelyn and she just starts dancing with me. Just fun you know? And um then she kisses me, and I might kind of like it. So we kiss a little more. And we might go back to her apartment and we might have a little fun. But I swear, I swear I only met up with her twice after that. And I talked her a couple days ago said we had to stop seeing eachother. I loved Hermione! It's just that she's no fun. We literally have kissed only a couple times!" Ron said defiantly as that made up for everything he had done.
"Ronald Weasley. I cannot believe you. You nasty, rotten, lying...." Ginny screamed at her brother but was interrupted as Harry tried to keep her from killing Ron by bringing her into a different room.
"Ron. Ron. Ron. How could you?" Molly shook her head sadly at her youngest son.
"Now I know this is nothing for what you did but you are grounded until school starts. No buts, just because you're eighteen now doesn't mean you're above punishment. Don't worry I'll figure something else out for you too. I can't believe you would do such a thing. Go to your room now! I hope Hermione's okay." Molly finished as she looked out the window a deep sadness hanging from her eyes.

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