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"yes. Yes. YES!" A dark booming voice startled me from Draco's embrace. I whip around and in the midst of a storm of whirling black robes stands Voldemort.
"I'm happy to see you've dumped that Weasel trash for someone far more suitable, my darling daughter. Now I'm sure you're wondering why I am present. Well kids, I'm here to finally present to you my plan!! My grand evil scheme. At least the first phase of it. Now obviously last time didn't really work out so this time we're doing it right. You need to infiltrate them. Become Potters best friend again. This time I'll have someone on the inside. Okay. That is all. Have all the fun you guys want. Wait!" He cocks his head as if figuring out a thought. "Have lots of fun! Have some kids! More powerful offspring!"
  Without giving either of us a chance to respond to him, Voldemort vanishes in another whirl of robes.
  "Damn. A grand evil scheme." Draco looks at me with a wry smile.
   "For us to have sex." I give him a small smile back. My face drops though as I process what Voldemort told us.
   "I can't Draco. I can't go back to Harry and pretend nothing has happened. Pretend like I'm not trapped in this double life and that I'm leading Voldemort right to him. And Ron! Ron I cannot be anywhere near Ron." I break off and start quietly crying.
  Draco moves closer and envelops me in his strong arms.
   "Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out. It'll be okay." He reassures me. I don't really know if I believe that but his warm embrace comforts me.
  "Let's get back inside." He says and picks me up as if its nothing and carries me the whole way back to the dorm.
  Once we've returned, Draco quickly pushes through the common room. Thankfully everyone else has already gone to bed so no one stops to talk to us. As we are not only seventh years but returning war heroes, this year we are all gifted with our own rooms in the dorms.
  Draco gently lies me down on my bed, covers me with blankets and turns to leave.
  "No! Wait! Please. Will you stay with me?" I cry out to him. I just couldn't bear to be alone. He turns to look at me with a small smile on his face.
  "Well. I guess it can't hurt." He states as he slips into bed with me. I turn to him and bury my face into his chest relishing in the warmth & strength of it. Despite my grief and all the events we had just gone through I found myself kissing Draco. We started making out with a passionate intensity. Before Draco, I had only kissed Ron, and that was nothing compared to this. Ron was easy. Simple. Comfortable. My best friend. Emphasis on friend. Despite my anger at Ron for breaking up with me, I almost forgave him. Not that I was going to forgive him, cheating is never okay, he was in a sense right. What we had was two best friends settling for eachother. We had had no passion. No fire. We had not truly been in love. I hadn't a fraction of the passion for I felt for Draco in this moment, ever for Ron.
"You are so damn beautiful." I hear Draco whisper in my ear as I hover on the edge of sleep finally completely exhausted by the day's events. "I don't understand how I got so damn lucky, to even be your friend and this. something I've only ever dreamed about."

Granger to Riddle (edited)Where stories live. Discover now